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Lizzie's POV

This was a terrible idea.

I had the feeling as soon as I told her about today that this was not going to go well, but I thought that if I hid my own reservations about it, and pushed a little, that maybe it would work out in her best interest.

I doubt it.

I sat in the waiting room chair, constantly adjusting my position, but I couldn't get comfortable. How could I? I felt terrible for putting her in this situation, but I truly believed that my hands were tied.

The fear in her eyes the second I told her was now burned into my memory, like all the trust I had earned from her was thrown out the window.

What have I done?

Almost as if it was pure instinct, the second I stood from my seat, the door to Melissa's office opened, and I was instantly met with traumatic cries.

"Margo's having a flashback. I think it's best for you to intervene," Melissa explained, guilt heavy in her own eyes as well, and I immediately rushed inside.

I followed the sound of panicked cries and gasps to behind the couch, in the far corner of the room. My heart dropped to the floor.

Oh, hunny...

"No! Don't hurt me p-please please d-don't!" She sat in a ball, her legs pressed tightly against her chest as her hands fought with herself, leaving long red scratches down her neck as she grasped at her hoodie.

"Margo, baby, it's me," I spoke softly, slowly crouching to the ground, but she flinched anyway, digging her feet into the floor to push herself further from me.

"No no no stay back! Don't hurt me!"

"I'm not going to hurt you, hunny. It's me, Lizzie. It's okay sweetheart," I held my palms out, slowly approaching but she continued to press against the wall. My poor baby was trembling. Her eyes were full of terror, making it clear that her perception was completely thrown off. She didn't see me.

"Margo, can you hear me?"

"Stay b-back!"

"Sweetie, listen to my voice, okay? Can you tell me where you are?"

"I don't know!!" Her voice cracked as she screamed. She was becoming agitated in fear and confusion. Her breaths quickened when I made it in front of her, kneeling down to her level. I could just feel the anxiety radiating off of her, and it thickened the atmosphere, tearing my heart straight down the middle.

"Margo, I'm going to hold your hands okay? I'm not going to hurt you. Deep breaths." She tried to pull back, but she was once again stopped by the wall, and I took the chance to delicately reach for her hands. She gasped.

"It's okay, see? I'm not going to hurt you, baby. You're okay, you're safe." She scrunched her eyebrows, waves of several different emotions flooding her expression until tears brimmed her eyes, her chest heaving with heavy breaths.

"L-Lizzie?" She cracked out, nearly choking on the tears that began to flood from her eyes. I slowly nodded my head, sliding my thumbs across the tops of her hands.

"That's right, sweetie. It's me, Lizzie. It's just you and me.. You're okay."

Her breaths quickened until she was hyperventilating again, and I immediately held my arms out. "Come here, baby."

She jumped into my embrace, her small body shaking uncontrollably, and I pulled her into my lap, cradling her close like you would a toddler.

"I-I'm sorry I'm so sor-ry."

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