chapter - 9 War with the devil!

Start from the beginning

"Oh that's fine! We haven't really had any customers today because of the rain and all. So I got kind of carried away" she said "Do you study in Sharingan high?" she asked inspecting the uniform that Sakura was still wearing.

"Yes... Do you go there too?"

"Yeah! I am on full scholarship you see" She smiled "Oh yeah, I am Tenten. This is my granny's coffee shop. I help her around sometimes" She said stretching out her hands.

"Nice meeting you. I am Sakura, Sakura Haruno" she said taking Tenten's hand in her own.

"Oh. Stop with the formalities" Tenten said slightly slapping Sakura's shoulder "You seem different from the others. Students in that stupid excuse of a school do not hang around with anyone but the 'elites'" Tenten said disgust evident in her tone.

"I know what you mean. But I am not 'an elite' myself. I entered the school thanks to someone I know" Sakura said. She placed all her things on a table and sat by it with Tenten following suit.

"I see... We could be friends. Who cares about the snobbish rich people, right? Commoners rule!" The both chuckled. As time went by the two spoke endlessly about school and other stuff like any other Teenage girl would. Sakura narrated how she had gotten lost on her way back from school and that's how she ended up coming here "I am very bad with directions!" she'd exclaimed. She spoke about everything but refrained from mentioning anything about the Uchiha's simply because she didn't want to mention them and who would want to brag about being a 'maid'...even if it is to a friend.

Sakura also found out that Tenten had no parents (just like herself) and she lived with her grandmother. They valued education So much and insisted on her attending Sharingan high 'You can't survive on earth if you aren't smart...' they'd say. They were out of town that day which was why Tenten stopped by to look after the shop for them. Tenten also had a serious crush on this guy in her class "He's different. Though he is from the elites, he actually treats the commoners well. I know because I was partnered with him in chemistry. He helped me a lot as it was my worst subject and even took the time to teach me all these new formulas and..."

"I get it!" Sakura exclaimed "You are in love" To this Tenetn's face flushed red and Sakura only chuckled.

"But he is WAY out of my league! He is a Hyuuga. He'd rather die than be anywhere near a commoner like me" Tenten sighed placing her head on the table.

"Didn't you just say commoners rule?" Sakura sweat-dropped at her friend's constant mood-swings "You actually do have a chance with him if he is as good as you say he is"

"Of course he is as good I say he is! -If not better. Hey, want some coffee? I'll give it free. We don't have any customers anyway. Besides it's getting late. You should probably stay over for tonight. There is a spare room in the shop and I usually sleep there. You can share it with me. I have some spare clothes too" Tenten offered (a list of things- to be precise).

"Hehe... No Thank you!" Sakura smiled at her newly found friend's kindness/excitement "I really need to leave. I'll leave as soon as the rain stops"

"Well if you insist... But you ARE going to change your clothes and drink some coffee right"

"Sure!" things were finally going smoothly.


"Have you found her yet?" Sasuke asked Gaara over the phone. They had been looking for Sakura for over an hour and there was absolutely no sign of her whatsoever.

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