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☂ Chapter 14 ☂

"A shooting in Times Square..."

Captain Jeon trailed off and placed his stack of papers on his desk. He clicked his tongue and glanced between Y/n and Jimin. Despite being injured, Jungkook appeared to be holding up well. Y/n didn't know much about the Captain, but she knew he had an outstanding sense of loyalty to his profession. She could relate to that. It was the one thing she had always clung to throughout the chaos that had followed her from the moment she had signed up.

Being a police officer wasn't what she thought it was. Crime dramas made her believe it was constant action, and while New York City did have just that, she was amazed by how much paperwork she had to do. Before she got injured, she had a pile of it. After, she got two.

"We do not believe this is connected to the child trafficking case, though it is suspicious a major attack like this would happen shortly after it," Seulgi said. Her posture was straighter than it had ever been. "What would you like us to do, sir?"

Jungkook lifted his feet and rested them on his desk. He had a Dunkin Donuts coffee in his left hand while his right twirled a pen.

"Paperwork. Keep the department calm, don't do anything rash. The people already lost enough faith in us."

"Sir?" Seulgi asked with her eyes widening.

"Not that New Yorkers ever liked us much, but public approval dropped. Significantly." Jungkook took a sip from his coffee and smacked his lips when he was done. "If we don't solve this child trafficking case soon, approval will drop more."

"Does that impact us at all?" Jimin asked.

"Not us, but the higher-ups will get fired if this continues. Maybe me, too."

"What?" Jimin almost jumped across the desk. "We can't lose you, Capt'. You're the one keeping us in line."

"Funny," Jungkook said, dragging out every letter of the word. "It feels like I'm doing the opposite."

Jimin clenched his jaw. "Seulgi, can you find Hoseok and start paperwork with him? I want our little basement group to get a head start."

That was bullshit. If Y/n could figure that out, she knew Seulgi did too. Either way, Seulgi agreed and left the three of them alone. Why Y/n was left there was beyond her. She wondered if it was because she physically couldn't move much.

Being in a wheelchair didn't bother her as much as she thought it would. Pain meds made it so the agony of getting shot more times than she could count wasn't as unbearable as before. Besides, she had a higher tolerance than most. Her entire childhood was spent getting in fights. It was why her hands were as deformed as they were.

"Listen here you little shit," Jimin said as he stomped forward. With his one hand, he grabbed Jungkook by the collar and pulled him up. Jungkook, who was more injured than Jimin, winced and grunted from the force. "Our department wouldn't be the same without you, so don't sit here wallowing in self-pity. We can solve this case if we put our heads together."

"This isn't Busan, crime is worse here."

"Forget Busan for a second!" Jimin shouted as he released Jungkook. "This is about you! You're not leaving NYPD, you're not getting fired, you're not doing a bad job—just, think."

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