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☂ Chapter 13 ☂

It had been one week since Jimin got honest with Y/n, but he hadn't seen her much since then.

Outside of the obvious reason that she had an extended hospital stay, the main reason Jimin couldn't see her was because Jungkook had him running around doing paperwork and helping reform 1PP. Jimin hadn't been part of the cleanup crew who took care of the bodies, but he heard they were in therapy. Countless officers hadn't shown up so they could mentally heal. Jimin considered it, but he knew he couldn't stay home.

He had nightmares about it, the incident. He had nightmares about being one of the victims, or one of the victims being someone he knew. If it were Seulgi or Hoseok, he wouldn't know what he'd do. Jungkook and Y/n were injured but alive, so they tended to stay out of his nightmares. For the time being, anyway. He hoped it would stay that way.

The basement of 1PP was lonely. Hoseok was handling interrogations with Kasper, and Seulgi was there keeping Jimin company. Although they wouldn't say it, Jimin knew they pitied him. They knew Jimin was taking it harder than the rest. Ever since it happened, more memories of Irene came. All the firefights they had endured were nothing like the attack on 1PP. The more Jimin thought about it, the more he realized nothing could have prepared him for New York City. Nothing could have prepared him for the life he had chosen the second he left June.

"How's your arm?" Seulgi asked as she flipped through a folder.

They hadn't received any new leads since the raid on the ship, which meant they were stuck with the monotonous cases of traffic stops, petty thefts, and public indecencies. Jimin wondered how the streets were looking since the attack on 1PP, but seeing as he wasn't cleared for field duty for at least another two weeks, the only information he had came from exterior sources or his long morning strolls to the station.


Jimin clicked his tongue and winced when he leaned forward. As much as his arm was healing much better than expected, he was off the heavy pain meds, which led to a realm of agony Jimin didn't know was possible. Then again, he had almost gotten his bone ripped out of him. It was a miracle he'd be cleared for active duty within two weeks, although that was subject to change depending on the severity of his injury.

Chuseok was in a few days, and the idea of having to cook with one arm made him want to cry, but he knew he'd manage. Maybe he could convince Y/n to help him if she could get over her disdain for other cultures and languages.

"Captain Jeon wants us to go on stakeout, so for your sake, I hope your arm is good enough for mild action," Seulgi said as she put down the folder.

Jimin whipped his head up at that. "Us? What about my actual partner?"

"What's wrong, scared of me?"

When Seulgi snorted, Jimin flipped her off. Jimin and Seulgi had never gotten along. They tolerated one another, but Jimin didn't care for her personality. To put it bluntly, she had about as much personality as a dry, moldy piece of broccoli. Jimin couldn't comprehend why Hoseok, the ray of sunshine, had a crush on the plank of wood. Her and Hoseok loved watching Disney movies together. That was the one of the only things he knew about Seulgi.

"Kasper is doing well with interrogations, so Captain Jeon wants to keep him there with Hobi. That leaves us, and I doubt you want to sit here doing paperwork the whole time," Seulgi said.

She wasn't wrong. Paperwork made Jimin want to die more than usual, not to mention working with one hand gave him one too many papercuts. When he had to use the computer to fill out files, he typed four times slower than normal. He prided himself on having the fastest typing speed out of the basement crew, now he was the sloth. They nicknamed him Flash the Sloth from that Disney movie Jimin hadn't watched.

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