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Sorry this chapter is a little later than normal. I was moving in to my college apartment. Classes start tomorrow. I'm cutting down on my work schedule to give myself more time to focus on class. I may not be online as much as normal. I was online for like five minutes a day these past few days.

Updates should still come out at a regular pace unless I have exams. I might have more exams than normal because I'm taking more lecture-oriented classes instead of my typical hands-on classes. I'm a film and English double major, so my film classes tend to be project-oriented. I'm not taking any film classes this semester, so...

Thank you for so much love on the last chapter. Over 100 reads and 30 votes, that's insane! I'm amazed the goal got crushed like that. I'm so glad you guys are liking the story.

This is a Jimin-focused chapter, so prepare yourselves! I hope you like it.

Same goal as before: 20 votes for the next chapter!

☂ Chapter 7 ☂

Two Years Ago


"My baby!" Jimin said with a squeaky laugh. He knelt in time for the toddler to jump into his arms. He giggled and kissed the head of thick black hair. The young boy, who had been napping a few minutes ago, nuzzled into Jimin's arms.

The kitchen that had once been cold filled with warmth the second Jimin held his boy. They were near the archway that had a hallway connecting to the rest of their apartment. Bright lights were above them and shining on their tan bodies. Jimin had taken June to the Haeundae Beach one too many times, but Jimin doubted June minded.

"Are my boys having fun?" a female voice said from down the hall.

Jimin parted from his boy and ruffled the kid's locks before meeting his partner's eyes. She had the same mascara as always, but this time, it looked smeared. There were bags under her dark brown eyes and stains on the edges of her gray blazer's sleeves.

Jimin got to his feet and didn't care if he slipped on the checkered black and white tiles the kitchen had. He left June behind and went to his partner, his hands going to her cheeks on instinct. Her short hair brushed by his fingers as he touched her.

"What happened? Did Captain Kim give you a hard time again?"

"No," Irene said, backing away from his touch. "I had another appointment today."

Jimin's tongue felt swollen inside his mouth. "More bad news?"

"Is it ever good news?"

"Mommy!" June interrupted as he bounced over. Jimin backed away in time for June to latch himself onto Irene's leg. Irene laughed and knelt, bringing the boy in her embrace.

"Did he spoil you today?"

June giggled. "Daddy got me ice cream."

"I... did not," Jimin mumbled.

Despite how June was not Jimin's son, June had been calling him daddy all throughout his childhood. Jimin preferred it that way. Just the thought of June's father made Jimin roll his eyes. Although he was a cop, Jimin wished he could shoot that bastard in the head ten times.

"And he didn't get any for me?" Irene asked with wide eyes and a slacked jaw.

Jimin gulped. "I'm sleeping on the couch tonight, aren't I?"

"You do that every night."

"You never let me make jokes."

Jimin went to the stove and continued making dinner. It was a recipe Jimin got from Irene's late mother. As he peeked over his shoulder, he noticed there were wrinkles on Irene's forehead that weren't there the last time he had seen her. She had been working overtime. Jimin had tried to protest, but Irene pulled the seniority card every time.

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