Chapter 16: International Cooperation

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October 17th, 2051

Beijing, people's Republic of China

In the streets of the Chinese capital, things were not going well

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In the streets of the Chinese capital, things were not going well. Ever since Tibet gained independence and Korea was united, the people's Republic had lost much of its influence in the region. Now, civil unrest had increased drastically, and many believed the era of the C.C.P was coming to an end.

However, in the halls of power in Beijing, president Rosalind myers of the United States was discussing a potential alliance with chairmen of the C.C.P and current president of China, tian zhao

Rosalind was initially willing to concede to zhao's requests: access to resources within the special region, as well as a permanent foothold in said region to ensure resources arrived

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Rosalind was initially willing to concede to zhao's requests: access to resources within the special region, as well as a permanent foothold in said region to ensure resources arrived.

However, zhao eventually began asking for greater requests. These began with him requesting access to oil fields in alaska, as China, while advancing in terms of nuclear power, it was still highly relaint of fossil fuels. As well as this, they requested Chinese troops be stationed in alaska, not only to defend oil fields they were given control of, but also to use as potential staging grounds for future military operations.

However, the final request was the straw that broke the camels back, was the request for ownership over the city of anchorage. This was when myers figured out what zhao was up to: he was trying to turn this negotiation into a concession, simaler to what China had been forced to do in the late 19th century by European powers.

At that point, myers belived she had heard enough. She immediately stood up and stormed out of the room. Zhao simply smirked to himself. She could act defiant all she wanted, but it would make no difference. He would gain control of anchorage and have oil flowing to China soon enough... Even if it meant the near total collapse of the country.


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Canadian high commission, London, United kingdom

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