Chapter 6: A Visit To Italica

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Local afternoon

Desseria highway

1st S.R.R.T

A convoy of four vehicles drove along the the Desseria highway towards italica: two m205 armored transports, a behemoth supply truck, and an M808B scorpion tank.

Within the front m205 was Lucas Harvey, alongside tuka, lelei and Rory, as well as George brandis. Now that the base was actually set up, George finally had access to the more advanced models of power armor. His choice: the T-60 model, alongside a heavy machine gun

As well as this, the team was accompanied by another familiar face: second lieutenant hailie montier

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As well as this, the team was accompanied by another familiar face: second lieutenant hailie montier. Currently, the two were having a would you rather debate

"okay, would you rather fight the flame dragon with nothing but your sniper, or-"

Unfortunately, brandis never finished his question, as Rory quickly altered the team to something "uhh, guys?"

She quickly peaked her head out of the truck before turning to face italica. She suddenly saw a plume of smoke arise from the town "somethings going on" she paused for a moment, then licked her lips "and I'm smelling blood!" she yelled with a grin.

With that, the driver immediately pressed down on the go pedal, speeding off towards italica


30 minutes prior

The sound of battle echoed through southern italica, a major trading town in sadera, as a massive bandit army attempted to storm the gate

Atop the walls of the gate was none other than pina co lada, commanding soldiers as they fought against bandits trying to scale the wall using ladders

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Atop the walls of the gate was none other than pina co lada, commanding soldiers as they fought against bandits trying to scale the wall using ladders.

Eventually, the leader of the bandits called of the assault, seeing that it was clearly not going their way. However, he promised he would be back.

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