Chapter 37

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"All change is bad. But sometimes it has to be done."

The Order Of The Phoenix:

This summer has been torture. And I mean literally.

It was now a month into summer and nothing has happened. Nothing that made me any use, anyway. Which came back to the torture bit. Yeah, being Crucioed is not fun.

The Dark Lord has been giving me training lessons, teaching me how to duel. He's planning on breaking out some  of his followers from Azkaban later on in the year. He mentioned he has a very close friend who can teach me Occlumency.

The Dark Lord had called me into 4 Death Eater meetings so far, but I was no use in any of them. The truth was, I was in the dark, and so was Harry.

Nobody had contacted us since we left. Nobody of use, anyway. Draco, Pansy and Astoria had been sending me letters, but I noticed the absence of letters from Ron and Hermione to Harry.

I had been instructed by the Dark Lord to keep my cover until I'm needed. Apparently, Dumbledore has formed a group called "The Order Of The Phoenix" to take us down.

The more I hung around the Death Eaters, the more I understood why they were all here. They all had a reason. And now, their devotion was to the Dark Lord.

As the days passed by, I grew to resent Harry and his stupid friends. And I'm proud to be a Death Eater.

I just got back from the last meeting, apparating into Harry and I's bedroom. Voldemort had put a spell on me to make sure that I could apparate without the Ministry knowing.

The meetings were held at the abandoned Riddle Manor, and after we had received the Prophecy from the Department of Mysteries, we would move to the Malfoy Manor.

I was surprised to find Snape was a Death Eater. He seemed surprised to see me there, but he kept quiet, and hasn't said anything about it.

Harry had caught me leaving the house for the last meeting, so I had to come up with an excuse. So now, Mrs Barreau is ill and I've picked up extra shifts at the shop to help her out.

This was one of the only times I've spoken to Harry. I'm still pissed at him for hiding things from me.

I was putting my wand away when Aunt Petunia barges into the room, eyeing me disgustedly. "Your brother has gone out. Go and find him and bring him back." She spat.

I roll my eyes before getting up and leaving the house. I walk to Magnolia Crescent, looking around corners for Harry. I turn the next one to find a shocking sight.

Harry was on the floor, wand in his hand, trying to cast a Patronus. A Dementor hovered a few feet over him, attempting to suck out his soul.

I don't know what came over me, but I leaped forward, pulling my wand out of my pocket, yelling 'Expecto Patronum'.

A bright light erupted from my wand, a silver Doe leaping forward and charging the Dementor out of the way.

It was only then I noticed Dudley, crouched in a corner of the alley, scared for his life.

Harry gets up, covered in sweat, and looks at me blankly. "I didn't know you could cast a Patronus."

I shrug. "Neither did I." I say stiffly. "Help me, will you?" I nod at Dudley and we both pick him up.

I hear footsteps and quickly shove my wand into my pocket, Harry doing the same. I turn to see Mrs Figg, our batty old neighbor walking over quickly, pulling a shopping bag behind her.

"Don't put it away, idiot children!" She shrieks, gesturing to our wands. "What if there are more if them around? Oh, I'm going to kill Mundungus Fletcher!"

"What?" I say blankly.

"He left!" Mrs Figg shrieks louder "Left to see someone about a batch of cauldrons that fell off the back of a broom! I told him I'd flay him alive if he went, and now look! Dementors! It's just lucky I put Mr. Tibbles on the case! But we haven't got time to stand around! Hurry, now, we've got to get you back! Oh the trouble this is going to cause! I will kill him!"

She starts to walk off, Harry and I quickly following, dragging a traumatized Dudley behind us.

"But-" Harry starts "You're-"

"You're a Witch?" I finish

"I'm a Squib, as Mundungus knows full well, so how on earth was I supposed to help you fight off Dementors? He left you completely without cover when I'd warned him-"

"This Mundungus has been following me?" Harry realizes, dumbfounded. "Hang on- it was him! He Disapparated from the front of my house!"

Disapparated? Mundungus Fletcher? What the hell is happening? Actually, I find myself asking that alot when I'm around Harry. I should be used to it by now.

She hobbles off, and I speed up, basically dragging Harry and Dudley.

"Dementors! In Little Whinging! Whatever next! The whole worlds gone topsy-turvy!" She mutters to herself.

"I don't understand!" Harry pants, trying to keep up. "How'd you know about-"

"Dumbledore?" She finishes. "Dumbledore asked me to keep an eye on you."

"Dumbledore?" Harry says, dumbstruck "you know Dumbledore?"

"Of course I know Dumbledore! Who doesn't know Dumbledore!" We stop outside of 4 Privet Drive. "Now, get inside and stay there. I expect someone will be in touch soon. Whatever happens, don't leave the house."

She pushes us towards the house. I open the door and we drag Dudley over the threshold, walking into the living room.

"Diddykins? Is that you?" Aunt Petunia calls from the sofa. She looks over at us, eyes going wide as saucers when she sees us dragging him.

"Duddy? Vernon! Come quick!" She yells.

They push him onto the couch, Aunt Petunia fussing over him. "We have to take him to Hospital!" She whispers to Uncle Vernon.

"Who did this to you, boy?" Uncle Vernon speaks slowly, as though Dudley couldn't understand English. I roll my eyes, sick and tired already. I need to write to the Dark Lord about this.

Dudley slowly points a chubby finger at Harry, and I side-step quickly so it was clear who he was pointing at.

Uncle Vernon slowly turns his head to look at Harry threateningly "Happy, now? Eh? You've finally done it! You've finally driven him loopy!"

"Vernon!" Petunia whispers "don't say that!"

"J-just look at him, Petunia!" He splutters "our boy has gone yumpy!"

He turns back to Harry and I side-step again, knowing what was about to happen. Uncle Vernon had only gotten this mad once. When Fred and George made Dudley's tongue massive.

"I've reached my limit. You hear? This is the last I'm gonna take of you and your sisters nonsense!"

I open my mouth to speak when an owl flies in, hitting the roof and falling on the Sofa.

The owl gets up and flies away, leaving two letters behind. Mr and Ms Potter. Oh shit. From the Ministry of Magic.

I grab my letter, opening it hurriedly.

Dear Ms Potter,

We have received intelligence that at twenty-three minutes past past six this evening, you performed the Patronus Charm in the presence of a Muggle.

As a clear violation of the Decree for the reasonable restriction of Underage sorcery, you are hereby expelled from Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Hoping you are well,
Yours sincerely,
Mafalda Hopkirk
Improper Use Of Magic Office
Ministry of Magic

I look at Harry to see he has received the exact same letter.

Uncle Vernon snatches the letter from me, and cackles when he reaches the end. "Justice."

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