Chapter 10

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Just then, the silence was broken by a hoarse voice, and it uttered a spell


Something vast, green and glittering erupted from the area where the voice had come from, flying up onto the sky.

"What the-?" Ron gasped. We all jumped to our feet, staring at the thing that has appeared in the sky.

It was a collosal skull, composed of what looked like emerald stars, with a serpent protruding from its mouth like a tongue.

Suddenly, the woods all around us erupted in screams. I knew why. This was the dark mark. A sign of the dark lord. A sign of death.

I look at Harry, who is looking at the area the hoarse voice came from. He calls out, confused. "Who's there?"

"Harry, come on, move" Hermione seized the back of Harry's jacket and was tugging him backwards.

"What's the matter?" Harry asked stupidly. I facepalmed. Seriously. The guy who tried to kill him and failed, whose mark was now in the sky, and the boy stupidly asks. 'whats the matter?'

Hermione groans. "It's the Dark Mark, Harry! You-Know-Who's sign!"


"Harry, come on" I grab his arm and pull. The four of us make our way across the clearing. Suddenly, many popping noises announced the arrival of 20 wizards, all appearing from thin air, surrounding us.

"DUCK!" I scream and pull them all down, accidentally grabbing Ron by his hair. He yelps, but still ducks down with us.

"STUPEFY!" all 20 voices roared. There was a blinding flash, and I felt a curse brush the top of my head.

"Stop!" A voice called. "STOP! Thats my son!" I slowly rise to my feet, looking around. Mr Weasley strides over to us, looking absolutely petrified.

"Ron- Harry- Hermione- Lola- are you alright?" His voice trembled slightly.

"Out of the way, Arthur" there was a curt voice. There was a man. I hadn't seen him yet. By the look of it, this man had authority at the Ministry, so I'd take a lucky guess and say the man I'm looking at is Mr Crouch.

"Which of you did it?" He snapped, a look that could kill in his eyes. "Which of you counjoured the Dark Mark?"

"We didn't do that!" Harry gestures to the sky.

"We didn't to anything!" Ron says, rubbing his scalp where I had caught my hand in his hair to pull him down.

"Do not lie, sir!" Mr Crouch yells. He points his wand at Ron, his eyes bulging. He looked mad. Like...crazy mad. "You have been discovered at the scene of the crime!"

"Barty" a witch in a dressing gown whispered "they're kids..they'd never be able to-"

"Where did the Mark come from, you four?" Mr Weasley said quickly.

"Over there" Hermione said shakily, pointing at the place we had heard the voice. "There was someone behind the trees...they shouted words- an incantation-"

"Oh, stood over there, did they?" Mr Crouch said, turning to look at her with his bulging eyes. I compressed a snigger as an intrusive thought entered my mind. Imagine if his eyeballs just...popped out his head and rolled away? "Said an incantation, did they? You seem very well informed about how that mark is summoned, missy-"

I looked around at the Ministry wizards. None of them seemed to believe that any of us could have counjoured the Mark.

"We're too late. They'll have Disapparated already" the witch in the dressing gown spoke.

Amos Diggory stepped into the light. "I don't think so. Our stunners went right through those trees...there's a good chance we got them..."

Mr Diggory walked into the trees. A few seconds later, he yelled "Yes! We got them! There's someone here! Unconscious! Its- but- blimey..."

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