Chapter 21

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20 minutes after Harry had left the tent, the cannon goes off, signaling my turn.

I take a deep breath. Come on. You can do this. I grip my wand at my side tightly, leaving the tent. I walk into the arena to cheers of "Potter! Potter!". Wow. They changed their tune fast. Just this morning, I was still a cheat.

Anyway, back to the DRAGON.

I stare at it for a second as the cannon goes off again, letting me know I can start. The Dragon stares back at me, not moving. I take my wand out and walk towards it slowly, testing out the waters.

As soon as I take a step forward, the Ukrainian Ironbelly thrashes it's tail at me. I roll to the side, crashing into a rock. I groan, quickly darting behind it. Ok, think. What did we find out?! Oh, crap! A dragons only weak point is their eyes! Now I remember!

I jump out from behind the rock, pointing my wand at the Dragon's face, yelling 'OBSCURO'. An invisible blindfold covers the dragons eyes, and I decide the best thing to do would be to eliminate it of all its senses.

The dragon thrashes crazily, almost stepping on me. I dodge out of the way, but the end of the tail hits me in the head, throwing me against a boulder. I hear my arm crack and grimace in pain.

Hiding behind the boulder, I rip my sleeve and fashion myself a type of sling. I wrap it around my arm, wincing. Not amazing, but it'll have to do. Back to the task at hand, then? Ok, senses. It's down her sight, let's do scent next.

I jump out from behind the Boulder, running around the Dragon until I'm behind another rock. I point my wand at her again and yell 'SPISSAMENTUM'

(A/n: SPISSAMENTUM and CATENA INCARCEROUS are spells I have made up. Spiss-ah-ment-um)

Two wooden corks appear out of nowhere, plugging the dragons nostrils. The dragon thrashes harder than ever, almost taking out half of the crowd. I need to work fast before it kills everyone.

I flourish my wand, yelling 'CATENA
INCARCEROUS'. Heavy chains fly out of my wand, wrapping around the Dragon, binding her tightly. I quickly run over to her, making sure she's alright. This might have been the task, but the dragon thought I was taking her baby egg. She was protecting her children.

I slowly walk up to her until I'm right next to her face. The crowd gasps as I stroke her carefully with my normal arm. Her skin is scaly, kind of dry. She slowly starts to relax under my touch.

I run over and get the Golden Egg, again shocking the crowd as I make my way back to the dragon. I wave my wand and the corks plugging her nose disappear. I hold the Golden Egg up for her to sniff. She immediately notices it's not real and calms down.

I wave my wand and the chains and blindfold disappear. She sits up slowly, looking around. I stroke her head again and smoke comes out of her nostrils as she closes her eyes.

Dragon tamers run over, binding her quickly and putting her in a cage. It was as if I was deaf for the last half an hour. The commentators voice became clear and the crowd was louder than ever.

McGonagall comes running over to me. "Potter, you should make your way over to Madame Pomfrey about your arm. She's already had to mop up your brother and Diggory."

I walk out of the arena and see Madame Pomfrey standing outside another tent, looking worried.

"Come here, Potter." She leads me into the tent

The tent was divided into rooms by fabric. I could see the outline of Cedric sitting on a bed in the fabric. Pomfrey sits me on a bed and begins to unwrap my makeshift sling, muttering under her breath "Dragons!".

Four figures come bursting into the room, two of them jumping at me the second they see me. I yelp as Pansy jumps on my arm.

"Pans! I'm not dead!" I say.

"You almost did die though! I was terrified!" She says, still gripping onto me.

"She was." Draco cuts in and shows me is hand. It's bleeding slightly with nail marks deep into his skin.

"Pansy did that?!" My eyes widen and I look at her. She grins.

"What? I was scared, and Draco was next to me, so why not ruin his hand instead of mine." She shrugs.

I laugh, but Madame Pomfrey, who was standing to the side, annoyed after she had been pushed to the side by Pansy, Astoria, Blaise and Draco, had had enough. "Out of the way. You can have your hugs once her arm is healed".


I walk into the Slytherin Common Room with every intention of a hot bath and a nap, but the Slytherins had other ideas. As soon as the door opens, I'm met with loud, blasting music and almost every Slytherin has a bottle of Butterbeer in their hand.

I try to walk through the crowd, but I'm obviously spotted. I'm pulled in and people who have never even looked at me are suddenly my 'best friends'

I manage to pull myself away and go to my dorm, my muscles aching. Fighting a dragon is hard.

Honestly, I felt bad for the Dragons. I saw the Dragon Tamers caging them. I heard them say something about the Ukrainian Ironbelly going to Gringotts.

I save my wrecked robes in case I need them for the next task. I shower and get into bed, ready for a well deserved nap.

I roll onto my side, looking at the Dragon figurine on my bedside table. Dragons really weren't that bad. They're quite interesting actually.

And with that, I fall asleep, dreaming of dragons.

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