Chapter 9

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He stands up and I throw my arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug. He hugs me back for a second.

"I- i- need to..breathe"

I laugh and let go.


"Why didn't you tell me you were coming to the World Cup? Especially with the Weasleys..."

I sigh "I didn't find out until yesterday. And I'm here with them because.. because of Harry. They don't...I don't think they like me. I feel like they didn't want me here. They wanted Harry, and it would have been rude not to invite me too.."


He pulls me into another hug, sensing I'm upset.

"I'm fine. I just...I think it's because I'm a Slytherin"

"Well, if they're rude to you..just, fuck them. Sorry. But, seriously. If they don't like you, they're missing out"

I raise an eyebrow. "On what?"

Draco looks embarrassed "on... everything..ab-about you...ok, anyway, erm, could you do me a favor?"

I don't know if it's just me, but he looks slightly...worried? "Yea?"

"Tonight. Can you please go into the forest? Just, leave the tent and go into the forest."

I furrow my brows "what? Why?"

"It doesn't matter. Just... please. Promise me"

"Draco, what are you-"

"Lola. Please."


"I probably won't see you till we get back to Hogwarts. I'll see you later then?"

"Oh, yea"

He hugs me before walking back out.

A few hours later:

I'd completely forgotten my promise to Draco. I was sleeping peacefully when I was shook awake urgently by Mr Weasley. "Girls! Quick- get up! We have to go!"

I sit up quickly and grabbed my contacts case. Hermione grabs my hand "we don't have time!"

I groan and grab my glasses and a jacket. We run out of the tent. All the Weasleys are already outside. Ron raises his eyes at my glasses. Nobody knew about them other than Harry and Draco, who I asked to keep them a secret, because, to be fair, I kinda found them embarrassing.

There are people running and screaming everywhere. There were tents on fire and curses flying everywhere. I look at Harry who is stood shocked.

"What the fuck is happening!"

"No idea"

Mr Weasley shouts at us. "You lot- get into the woods and stick together. I'll come and find you when this is all over!"

"C'mon" Fred grabs Ginnys hand and starts to pull her towards the forest behind the World Cup. We all follow after him.

I feel myself being pushed around by people, until we're deep in the forest and its pitch black. I hear Ron yell. "What happened!" Hermione says anxiously "Ron, where are you? Oh, this is stupid- Lumos!"

Ron was lying on the floor. "Er, tripped over a tree root"

"Well, with feet that size, hard not to" a familiar voice says behind me. I already know who it is without turning around.

Harry, Ron and Hermione all whip round. Draco is stood alone, leaning against a tree smirking, looking perfectly relaxed watching the death eaters.

"Go fuck yourself, Malfoy" Ron spat. I roll my eyes and give Draco a warning look. He ignores me and says "Language, Weasley. Hadn't you better be hurrying a along, now? You wouldn't like her spotted, would you?"

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