Chapter 1

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Lola Potter

I was nervous, shaking. Harry stood in front of me, talking to a boy with Ginger hair, Ronald Weasley or something like that.

I sat with them on the train, but I wasn't paying attention to anything they were saying.

Just then, McGonagall called out "Potter, Harry". My eyes darted to my brother. We weren't very close, but even I could tell he looked like he was about to vomit. I could hear everyone whispering about him.

"Do you really think he's a Potter?"

"I heard he faced You-Know-Who without a wand when he was six months old"

I rolled my eyes. He was 1. And he didn't even do anything. This 'voldemort' who everyone is scared of did all the work. The killing curse just couldn't go through his massive head. Suddenly, the hat shouted "GRYFFINDOR", making me jump out of my skin. Then McGonagall called out my name.

"Potter, Lola". My knees trembled as I walked up to the sorting hat and sat on the stool.
The hat whispered into my ear, just loud enough that I couldn't make out anything the students were whispering about me.

"You have a brave and courageous mind" the hat whispered to me "you have a thirst to stand out, to Prove you are not like your brother. I know, better be SLYTHERIN"

I stood up and walked over to the Slytherin table.
They all cheered for me, yet I saw Harry glaring daggers at me. I shrugged at him and looked at the next person to be sorted.

It was weird. Harry looks exactly like my James, with Lily's eyes, whereas I looked exactly Lily with James' eyes. I was slightly ginger with brown eyes.

We both wear glasses, but I prefer my contacts. I'd saved up for ages to buy them.

That's probably why Harry was more recognizeable than me...

Time skip, End of the Philosophers stone:

I sat bored at the Slytherin table at the end of the year, rolling my eyes as Dumbledore gave 50 points each to Harry and his stupid friends, helping Gryffindor to pass Slytherin for the House Cup.

I hated him so much. He was such an attention seeker. He was also the seeker for Gryffindor, even though First years weren't allowed.

Everyone broke the rules, just for him. Perfect Harry Potter, the exception. No punishments, just rewards for 'saving the Wizarding World'. I can't wait to go back to the Dursleys. At least I can torment Dudley there. Here, I have no friends.

End of the Philosophers stone.

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