Chapter 5

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"This arrived." He gestures to the letter in his hand. "About the both of you"

I furrow my brows. Who the hell is writing to us. By muggle post? Uncle Vernon thrusts the letter into my hands and I read it, Harry looking over my shoulder.

Dear Mr and Mrs Dursley,

We have never been introduced, but I am sure you have a great deal from Harry about my son, Ron.
As Harry might have told you, the final of the Quidditch World Cup takes place next Monday night, and my husband, Arthur, has just managed to get prime tickets through his connections at the Department Of Magical Games and Sports.
I do hope you will allow us to take Harry and his sister Lola to the match as this really is a once in a lifetime opportunity; Britain hasn't hosted the cup for thirty years and tickets are extremely hard to come by. We would of course be glad to have Harry and Lola stay for the remainder of the summer holidays, and to see them onto the train back to school.
It would be best to send us your answer as quickly as possible in the normal way, because the muggle postman has never delivered to our house, and I am not sure he even knows where it is.

Hoping to see your niece and nephew soon,

Yours sincerely,
Molly Weasley

P.S. I do hope we've put enough stamps on.

I put the letter down and look at Harry with a raised eyebrow. He's been to the Weasleys once before, when he escaped in their flying car. I obviously didn't come along, and I think he felt kind of guilty because he was sort of nicer to me afterwards. Harry just shrugs back at me.

Uncle Vernon growls "look at this". He pulls out an envelope. Every inch of the envelope was covered in stamps. I bite my lip, trying not to laugh.

Harry clears his throat. "She did put enough stamps on, then"

I snigger and Uncle Vernon glares at me.

"The postman seemed to think it was funny"

I purse my lips. Harry glances at me before speaking to Uncle Vernon. "So- can we go then?"

Just then, I spot Ulysses out the window, back already. I quickly stand up. "I forgot, something.." I mumble and run up to mine and Harry's bedroom. Ulysses sits on my bed with a letter. I give him one of Hedwigs treats.

"Sorry!" She glares at me "he's hungry!" I stroke her and open my letter.


This is one of the worst ideas you've ever had. Sorry. But.. being friends with Potter? Come on! That's... stupid. But..I guess I could try. For you. Not Potter.

See you on the train,

I roll my eyes. Always so dramatic, he is. Ulysses flies off and I sit on my bed. Suddenly, Harry crashes in. "WE'RE GOING TO THE WORLD CUP!"

I jump up. "SERIOUSLY?"


I hug him, smiling. It's always been my dream to play Quidditch. And going to see the World Cup!? Harry hugs me back awkwardly. We're starting to get along better. Baby steps.

Just then, a tiny owl flies around the room. I catch it in the palm of my hand and look at it.

"Is this an...owl?" I look at Harry, confused.

"Er, yea. It's Ron's" he picks up a letter the owl dropped on the floor. I read it over his shoulder.

"Does that say...pig?" I look at the owl in my palm. "You aren't a pig! Are you?" I stroke his miniature feathers.

"Ron's coming to get us at 5 pm on Sunday" He says.

I nod. Harry finishes writing two letters. He gives one to Pig and the other to Hedwig.



"Are you sure that they'll be happy staying with them? I haven't exactly been the nicest"

"Yes, but I've told them you're trying to change. They' with it, ok? I'll stick up for you"

"Thank you" I say.


Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora