Chapter 28

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Hi everyone!

I just finished "Dear Draco".

Holy shit. What an emotional rollercoaster. 100% worth a read, GO READ IT!

I'll be off crying, enjoy the next chapter xx ❤️

"be brave. Take risks. And allow the unexpected."

For the last 13 days, Draco and the others have helped me make the Siren potion. And by that I mean Draco completely took over and made sure we stayed away from it so far.

There's a week until the Second Task, and I'm ambushed in the Library by Harry.

"You took a bath with Malfoy!" He whisper yells.

"Took a- what?" I furrow my brows

"Myrtle told me! You got into a bath. With Malfoy." He pulls a disgusted face

"Chill out, bro" I brush past him, returning a book to it's shelf. "I didn't have a bath with him. I was trying to figure out what to do with that Egg and we fell in. Fully clothed."

"Oh." He immediately relaxes "did you work out the clue?"

"Yeah. And I know what I'm doing. What about you?"

"No idea. I only found out last night. Been in the library ever since" He sighs.

Suddenly, Pansy comes bursting in. "Lola! Lola, it's time to add your-" she stops when she sees Harry. "Potter."

She ignores him and takes my arm, dragging me out of the Library. I roll my eyes at Harry as I'm being dragged, and he grins.

"Time to add what?" I question once we get to the dungeons.

"Your hair." She says simply, opening the door to the potions room Snape let us use for the Siren potion.

"My hair!?" I say, grabbing onto my copper-colored strands as if she'd pull them off my head.

"Yes!" She says, rolling her eyes "Just a bit. Not loads."

I look around the room and see Draco hunched over a cauldron, a focused expression on his face as he drops in what looks to be Re'em Blood.

He looks up. "Ah, there you are. Come here." He holds up a small knife and my eyes widen. I push Pansy in front of me as if she were a shield.

"You are not cutting my hair. You know how long it took to grow it?" I say. My waist length, copper hair has taken almost all my life to grow, and I was not going to let Draco Malfoy pull a Flynn Rider.

(A/n: if you don't understand, I'm talking about when he cut Rapunzels hair SO DAMN SHORT. Every time I watch the movie, I'm screaming "CUT IT LONGER, BITCH". Ahem. I'll calm down now.)

"Oh, don't be dramatic, woman. It's only a few inches." He says, coming closer.

"Fine." I speak reluctantly from behind Pansy "but I'm cutting it."

He sighs, annoyed and hands me the knife. I take a deep breath before gathering my hair into a ponytail and cutting the ends off. The hair falls into the cauldron.

"Hm." I shrug, watching the potion turn from a electric blue to a bright white.

"See. Not so bad, was it." Draco sneers, coming up behind me. "I just need to add Powdered Billywig sting and then it needs to simmer for 7 days. It should be ready an hour before the Second Task"

I wrap my arms around him hug him. A second later, he hugs me back. This has become normal for us now. Pansy joins the hug and I pull away. "Thank you guys. Really. I wouldn't have been able to do it myself."

February 23, 1994

It's the night before the Second task. Blaise, Pansy, Astoria, Draco and I are taking in the Potions classroom as Draco prepares to take it off the flame.

We all stand, gathered around the cauldron as he takes it off the flame. The potion turns the color of my hair as Draco pours it into a vial.

"I've made enough for an hour, and an hour only." Draco says to me. I nod and we all stare at the Vial for a minute, nothing to say.

The door opens and we look away. Moody is stood at the door, looking bored. "Malfoy. Dumbledore wants you in his office. Now."

Draco looks nervous as he follows Moody out of the room.

February 24, 1994

I walk into the Great Hall on the day of the Second Task, Pansy on my left, Blaise on my right. We take a seat next to Astoria.

"Have you seen Draco?" I question nervously. "I haven't seen him since yesterday. When Moody took him. You don't think he's done something to him?"

Blaise sniggers, but immediately stops when he sees the look on my face. "I'm sure he's fine, Lola. He might already be at the stands" he quickly reassures

"He wouldn't. He'd come to me first." I say firmly. As if I needed anything else to worry about, now my best friend is missing.

"Where's Potter?" Pansy says, her eyes scanning the Gryffindor Table. I turn around and look. She's right. Harry's not there, neither are Ron and Hermione. Where the hell is everyone?

After 20 minutes of me playing with my food, pretending to eat, I go to my dorm and change into the one piece swimming costume I was given. It's the same design as the robes I was given for the dragon Task. Green and Black, with "POTTER" on the back. I've taken out my contacts because I, unfortunately, cannot swim in them. I grab my old glasses because I don't want to get my nice ones ruined from the Lake water.

We walk down to the Black Lake, getting in a rowing boat. I feel numb as the boat rows itself to the stands in the water. I fiddle with the Vial of the Siren potion in the pocket of the jacket I put over the swimming costume. We get to the stands and Astoria stays with me on the stand for the champions, while Blaise and Pansy go to the ones for the students.

Viktor, Cedric and Fleur are already there, and now we're just waiting for Harry. After a while, he finally arrives, something green and slimy in his hands.

Before I have time to ask anything, Dumbledore's voice echos over the lake.

"Welcome to the Second Task. Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure, of sorts. These five treasures, one for each champion, now lie at the bottom of the Black Lake. In order to win, each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough. Except for this, they will have one hour to do so, and one hour only. After that, they'll be on their own-."

I pull off my robe as Dumbledore speaks, taking the Vial out of my pocket and clutching it in my hand. I hear choking and see Harry gagging on something as Moody hits his back. I ignore him and focus on Dumbledore again.

"-No magic will save them. You may begin at the start of the cannon."

The cannon goes off and Cedric, Fleur and Viktor all dive in. I uncork the bottle, tipping the contents into my mouth. The effects are almost instant. The pain is unbearable.

My flesh burns and I scream. My legs fuse together and I feel my fingers becoming webbed. Gills open up on my chest and I gasp, oxygen not being enough. I crawl to the edge of the stands, gasping, trying to breathe.

I dive in.

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