Chapter 8

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The next morning, I was woken by Mrs Weasley in the early morning. I sat up and notice the darkness outside the window.

Ginny, Hermione and I have been getting along well, surprisingly. An hour later we all leave the house and start the walk. I was talking with Ginny about Quidditch.

"It's always been my dream to play for the Holyhead Harpies. I've never tried out for the Slytherin team because they 'don't allow girls', but Draco says he'll try and make them let me try out"

Ginny nods "Really? That's cool! I've never been on the team, but I might try out... depends how I You and Malfoy, eh?"

I feel my cheeks turning red and she grins "no! Nothing like that. We're just friends.."

"Aww, it's ok. I mean, he is really hot. But his attitude is such an ick. Also he's a Slytherin"

I roll my eyes "thanks, Gin. Anyway, I get that. He's not the nicest to other people. But with me...he's different. And I'm trying with him. Baby steps. But enough about Draco...what about you and my brother, eh?"

Hermione catches up with us and joins in the conversation. "Oh, she's had a crush on him since our first year"

I laugh and Ginny goes red. "Hermione! Stop! Don't make me talk about you and Ron!"

I laugh harder. "You like...Ron!" Hermione goes red this time while Ginny grins. "No! Ginny! We're just friends!"

We all get to the top of a hill, looking for a portkey. A voice calls out. "Over here, Arthur! Over here, son, we've got it!"

Arthur whips around "Amos!" He claps his back and turns back to us "This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works for the Department For The Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. And, I think you know his son, Cedric?"

Ginny pretends to faint at his looks. I giggle and roll my eyes. Sure, he is handsome. But he's not my type. Ginny whispers to me "more for me then"

We burst out in giggles, earning us weird looks from the boys and a grin from Hermione.

Amos notices Harry. "Merlins beard! You're not...Harry Potter!"

I roll my eyes as Harry grins sheepishly. Amos goes on a rant about how Cedric beat the Harry Potter at Quidditch once.

Everyone places a finger on a manky old boot. I give Harry a confused look, and He returns it. Just then, I'm jerked forward. I feel my feet leaving the ground, and I'm crashing into Ginny and Harry.

Suddenly, I'm slammed on the floor on my back along with everyone else. I look up and see Mr Weasley, Amos and Cedric all standing as though nothing had happened.

I groan before being pulled to my feet by the twins, who grin at me, amused. I roll my eyes.

We make it to an area of grass, surrounded by other tents. Harry, Hermione and I help Mr Weasley set up the muggle tent. Once we finish, Mr Weasley stands back proudly as Harry, Hermione and I share a look.

The tent was shabby and big enough for a small child. There was no way 11 people would fit inside.

Mr Weasley got on his hands and knees and crawls in, closely followed by the other Weasleys and Hermione. Harry glances at me before crawling in. I follow after him.

I stand up and my jaw drops. The tent looks like an old fashioned 4 bedroom flat. I grin "I love magic"

Harry looks at me and grins back. Arthur is walking around trying to contain everyone. "Ron, get out of the kitchen! We're all hungry!"

The twins call in synced voices "yea, get out of the kitchen, Ron!"

Arthur looks at the twins who are sat at the dinner table with their feet resting on the table. "Feet of the table."

The twins call together "Feet of the table!" they move their feet. As Arthur walks by, they place them back, grinning.

A few hours later:

We're walking up the stairs to the top box. We walk up all the way to the staircase at the top which leads onto a small box with around 20 chairs.

We all sit down. I'm sat in-between Harry and Ginny in the front row. Harry is having a conversation with a random house elf about another elf called Dobby.

I laugh at the memory from 2 years ago. I was just sat on my bed watching the scene unfold in front of me. Harry fighting an elf for a stack of letters.

Just then, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy and Draco walk into the box. Draco's eyes widen when he sees me. I smile at him and nod.

We had decided not to be friends in front of his father, otherwise he wouldn't leave me alone. I turn back around and Harry gives me a quizzical look. I whisper. "His father"

Harry nods, understanding immediately. Mr Weasley and Lucius had a bit of an argument, but I give Draco a warning look not to say anything. Luckily, he listens.

Once the Malfoys sit in the seats behind us, Ron mutters "slimy gits". I roll my eyes.

Halfway through the match, I feel someone moving my arm gently, slightly to the side, to have access to my pocket. I turn my head slightly, pretending to watch the players. I see Draco slip a piece of parchment in my pocket out of the corner of my eye.

When nobody is looking, I open it.

When the match is finished, stay for a bit. I need to talk to you.


I nod, feeling his eyes on the back of my head. When the match finishes, I start to follow after Harry. We get to the stairs when I tap his shoulder.

"Harry, I've left my wand. I'm just gonna get it. I'll meet you at the tent"

He nods and I go back to the top box, which is empty, except for a familiar blonde-haired boy.

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