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YN's eyes widened in surprise as Jungkook defended her. She hadn't expected him to speak up on her behalf. Jimin, on the other hand, looked at YN with a mixture of concern and curiosity, silently questioning if she was really okay. Taehyung somehow believed Jungkook because this point of his was making sense.

Jimin and Taehyung were volunteering for the community at the college; they were in the community hall. The audience was all elderly, eager to learn and be entertained. Some events happen, and it was time for a break when Taehyung and Jimin went out of the community hall to get some fresh air and stretch their legs. 

"Don't you think YN was dull today?" Taehyung asked Jimin, stretching his arms. Jimin shrugged, glancing back at the community hall before responding. "I mean, she did seem a bit off. Maybe something's bothering her?" he suggested, concerned. Taehyung can sense in Jimin's behavior that he is acting differently than usual. Taehyung wondered if Jimin was hiding something.

When they were talking, students around them started making noises. "There is fire!!" someone shouted, causing everyone to panic and flee the area. Jimin and Taehyung joined the crowd, only to see the community hall on fire. Smoke billowed out of the building, engulfing the sky in thick, black clouds. Jimin decided to use his powers to stop, but he tried, but the power wasn't working, and he decided to go inside to get all the elderly back safely. He went through the smoke-filled hallways, guiding them towards the nearest exit. Taehyung called up the fire ambulance to bring help as quickly as possible. 

Taehyung came back and checked on Jimin; he was nowhere to be found in the crowd. He looks toward the building. Jimin Jimin took the elderly out safely. He immediately took some water bottles and towels to help them cool down. "Jimin-aah, where are you going again?" Taehyung asked, and Jimin replied, "I'm going to check if there are any more people in need of help inside." Taehyung nodded, understanding Jimin's determination to ensure everyone's safety. 

"Be careful, Jimin," he said, concern evident in his voice. "Don't take any unnecessary risks." Jimin smiled reassuringly at Taehyung before disappearing back into the smoke-filled building, determined to continue his search for anyone else who may be in need of assistance.

YN rushed to the community hall after hearing the news, hoping to find Jimin safe and sound. As YN entered the community hall, she scanned the room anxiously, her heart pounding with worry. She desperately hoped to catch a glimpse of Jimin's familiar face among the crowd, praying that he had made it out of the building unharmed. She sees Taehyung taking care of elderly people in the corner, a comforting sight that eases her fears slightly. But Jimin was nowhere to be found in the crowd, and she hears so many students saying that "that new handsome senior is still inside the building." Another student replied, "I guess he might be stuck inside the fire, which grew more intense."

 YN hears the conversation and feels a surge of panic and dread. She clutches her chest, unable to shake off the fear that Jimin might be in danger. She decided to help Jimin and entered the hall where the fire was raging, determined to find him and bring him to safety. Other students tried to stop her, but she somehow managed to go in at the same time the fire ambulance arrived. Jungkook, who came late to the hall, saw YN running inside. He decided to stop her and ran behind her, calling out her name in a desperate attempt to catch up.

 Before he could, the firemen stopped him. He tries to tell them that his friend went inside, but they did not allow it, and they said they would check and bring back his friend. Taehyung, who hears Jungkook shouting, rushes towards Jungkook to know what has happened. Jungkook explained the situation, and together, they approached the firemen and pleaded for them to allow them inside to find their friend.


Jimin hears a voice asking for help and immediately rushes towards the sound, ready to assist. But the fire was too intense, and the smoke was too thick for him to get any closer. He could hear the voice coming from a room in the corner of the hall. Jimin desperately searched for a way to reach the trapped person, but all the exits were blocked by flames. He felt helpless and terrified as he realized that time was running out. He somehow managed to get inside the room to help the person inside. After entering the room, he calls out, "Anyone there, I came to help you." There was no response, leaving him with a sinking feeling of uncertainty. When he searches for someone in the room, the door of the room gets shut behind him, trapping him inside. As panic set in, Jimin frantically tried to open the door, but it was jammed shut. 

"Welcome, my friend," he hears a voice whispering from the shadows. He soon realized that this was the trick used by demons to trap him. Jimin smirked to himself, realizing that he had walked right into their trap. "So this was done by you all along," he said, his voice filled with determination. "I won't let you win," Jimin firmly declared, ready to fight back against the demons. The demons laughed and said "I saw your powers weren't working; you are dying today." The demon forced a ray towards Jimin. Jimin quickly dodged the ray, his agility and quick reflexes serving him well. He knew he had to come up with a plan to defeat the demons and escape their trap. He quickly assessed his surroundings, searching for any possible weapons or means of escape. 

Jimin's heart raced as he prepared himself mentally and physically for the impending battle, knowing that his only chance of survival was to outsmart and overpower the demons. When both were fully engaged in combat, Jimin heard YN's voice calling out to him from a distance. He looks at the demon and realizes that it was a trick to distract him. "Don't you dare try the trick on me again," Jimin muttered under his breath. 

With renewed determination, Jimin focused on the demon in front of him, refusing to be fooled again. He strategized his next move, analyzing the demon's weaknesses and planning his attack carefully. "jimin!!" The door opens, and Jimin's heart races as he turns to see who it is. "YN!!!" He was shocked to see YN in the hall, standing there, her expression filled with concern and determination. Jimin lost his attention, and the demon blew a powerful ray towards him, which Jimin could not dodge in time. 

As the ray hit him, Jimin felt excruciating pain coursing through his body. He collapsed to the ground, gasping for air and clutching his chest. YN rushed to his side, her hands trembling as she tried to assess the damage. Jimin gritted his teeth, refusing to let the pain defeat him. "Jimin, are you fine?" YN asked in a worried tone. Jimin managed to nod weakly, his voice barely a whisper. "I'll be okay," he reassured YN. 

He tried to get up, but his legs gave out, and he collapsed back onto the ground. YN'Stears did not stop flowing, and she decided to fight against the demon. YN shouts at the demon, "How dare you hurt Jimin?" The demon starts laughing. The demon's laughter echoed through the air, fueling YN's determination to protect Jimin. She mustered all her strength and charged towards the demon, ready to face whatever it took to keep him safe. She just stood before Jimin, and suddenly the wind blew inside the room of flames, to which the demon and Jimin were surprised. 

The wind grew stronger, extinguishing the flames and creating a barrier between YN and the demon. Jimin looked at YN in shock. He could not believe his own eyes that YN had the power. As the wind swirled around them, YN could feel a surge of energy coursing through her veins. She had tapped into a power she never knew she possessed.

Jimin got up and saw something bright shining behind Yn's neck. Something is inside her body, like white light. YN just glared at the demon, and the demon started to vanish in white smoke. The demons shouted for help as if he were burning. Jimin's jaw dropped as he witnessed the demon's agonizing demise. 

As soon as the demon disappeared, YN collapsed to the ground, exhausted but victorious. Jimin rushed over to YN's side, concern etched across his face. He gently cradled her in his arms, relieved to see her breathing steadily. The intensity of the battle had taken its toll on YN, leaving her drained and weak. He felt his power back at full strength, and he carried her out of the burning hall, determined to get her to safety.

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