26. Just Out Of Reach

Start from the beginning

I had no idea what any of this meant. I even tried to look up anything about ice hockey, but that just made me even more confused. The only thing I actually did understand was the movement of the puck between the players and their sticks. I didn't understand any of the calls or the cross checking's they would get and be forced into a time-out box. 

"Is this seat taken?" a voice asked, causing me to jump and look at the person beside me, realizing that there was a person standing beside the seat I had taken, right behind the penalty box, which is where Enzo had told me was my seat; the best seats in the house apparently. "No, its all yours" I smiled at my brother, avoiding the darker patch of his face under the hat and hoodie combo he was wearing, with a leather jacket on top of it. 

"I didn't know that you were coming" he murmured with a sigh attached, and I think he was a little happier that I was here. "Do you usually come alone?" I questioned, and he paused his movements, almost freezing up, as if there was something that he didn't want to reveal, before he moved again, breathing. 

"Yeah, I usually come after the game starts and leave before it ends. Brings back memories that never should have happened" he muttered the last part under his breath. Right as I was about to speak, he pointed a finger, and made me turn and look back down to the ice, seeing Elijah and Enzo waving at me, as I pulled the phone that I had been given, out, and took a photo of the two of them. 

After I took the photo, Elijah skated away, but Enzo stayed, a quizzical looked directed in Fran's way, whom had his head bowed. I waved it off, knowing he would find out later. He was being protective of his own brother and he didn't even know it. He didn't even know that his brother was here for him. 

"You know, there was a period of time where Enzo rarely wanted to come here, he only came because he didn't want Elijah to be alone. I have never seen him so happy to be here. He was having issues, and he wouldn't tell anyone, only that he didn't want to go. He didn't even say anything to Leon or Lijah, just that he would fight if we made him go. He put up a damn mean fight when we dragged him out of bed" 

Knowing just how damaged Enzo is, and Francesco now, makes me feel less alone. That people struggle with different things, and all have different reactions. What I went through, yeah, it hurt, and now I'm scared of certain people, especially men, but my brothers are changing that, by not only bringing my walls down, but there own walls, and it really helps with the pain. 

It makes it hurt less, knowing that someone else can hurt just as badly, and that no one is alone in the situation. Knowing the Enzo now has me, warms my heart, knowing that he wants to not only protect me, but I am becoming something that he can look forward to. That he can start doing the things he loves without having to go through it alone, as he doesn't tell people his struggles. 

And that is partly because of what our Dad did to him. He's so afraid of saying the wrong thing and being perceived as something different, that he doesn't say a word when his head goes underwater. He just goes through his day, swimming as hard and fast as he can to keep himself up and above the water. 


Cheers erupted through the stadium, as we all stood up, seeing the brightness on the boys faces. It was their last game before Christmas break, and it was a good win, scoring 5-1. Turning to Franco, I was surprised that he had even stayed, seeing as he had told me that he comes and goes before anyone can notice. He has done the same at home, to some degree, and I fell sorry for him, that he feels he has to hide. 

"How about we wait in the foyer, its usually quieter and I can buy you a snack" I had eaten the food that Enzo had made, but I had only eaten half, before I had given it back to him, as I was sure that he would have wanted it more than I did. He knew that I loved his food, but my appetite was not always the best. 

"Yeah, okay" I watched as the boys filed off the ice, before I was following Franco down the stairs and back into the entrance hallway, which was much quieter than in the stadium. I watched him easily talk to the man at the counter, while I slightly stood behind him, and then we went and sat in a booth, waiting for the two boys. I wasn't sure where Stefano was, and if he was here for Elijah. 

"Here" he then handed me a bag of gummy bears, pushing it to my side of the table, but I pushed back into the middle, opening it so that he could have some too. "Have some" I said, as I took one, pushing his hand so that he would take it from me, and then I took some for myself. 

I watched the small smile form on my brothers face, causing me to laugh as he just rolled his eyes, turning his head away from me. This allowed me to see the small bruise that was forming on the side of his face, and I wanted to gasp and react, but I didn't want to ruin this moment that I was having with one of my quietest brothers. 

Yes, he got angry and made me scared sometimes, but these moments, were the moments that I needed with him. They felt like we were adding building blocks onto our relationship, and seeing him smile, was just enough to add a few more blocks. He had stayed, for crying out loud, and hadn't done what he used to do.

"Did you play any sports?" it felt like we were friends, but this was just my brother. I knew that I shouldn't have asked the question, as he had frozen up when anything was mention closely about coming to these games. Something had happened to him, and I was going to get to the bottom of it this time. I wasn't going to be interrupted in my investigating. 

"Yeah, I used to play ice hockey. It was the reason I got into college, but I had to stop playing, and now I just go to a local college instead of in Minnesota. Its for the better" this gave me enough information. I wanted to know more, but I didn't know if I should push. I studied the look on my brother, and he didn't seem as guarded as before, but I didn't want him to think that I would be taking advantage of him being soft. 

"I wish I could play, but I'm scared of getting injured. Seeing all the pushing and shoving, not sure its for me" this allowed for my brother to laugh a little, and he relaxed, taking a few more gummy bears, before pushing away from the table and more into the chair, as he ran a hand down his face, as he just continued to chuckle. 

I laughed a little with him, making him laugh more and more. This is what I wanted with him. He didn't need to be scary 24/7. He could be happy, and I needed him to know that he could be happy around me. He needed to smile more, he looked better when he was laughing and smiling. 

"Yeah, trust me, it gets scary, injuries happen and they can be career ending" there's the answer I had been after all night. As much as the black eye bothered me and made me concerned, I knew that my brother must have had a lot of injuries, one that was career ending, and has made him into the shell of the person he used to be. 

I've seen the photos, and he was much happier. Now, it was time to do a little digging when I got the chance, to see what really happened to my brother. I need to know how hurt he really was. A new smell wafted through the air, before arms were wrapped around me, suffocating me, allowing me to giggle because I knew that it was Enzo. 

"Come on, kiddos" I watched Franco get up, seeing how he put little to no pressure on that right leg, and when he did walk on it, it looked as if it was shorter than the other. This was concerning, but it could be more related to the black eye rather than the injury, but I wasn't sure. I needed to find out. Franco needed my help. 

A slobbery kiss was pressed into the side of my forehead, before I was rushing out of the seat, chasing after my brother, who was now back in his suit and held down my his hockey bags, as I jumped on his back, as he used one arm to support me. I liked these moments, as they used to be out of my reach. 


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