Twenty: In Love We Trust.

Start from the beginning

"Okay Doc, I just gotta get her to answer me first. You know since you said give her space and shit."

Dr. Sanchez nodded her head. "Yes, just give her time to herself. As a woman who's overcame trauma also I know she probably needs time to think right now. She loves you, and wants you there but she just needs time to think. Give her that, okay?"

Ezriah nodded his head, even though he planned on popping up to her house one of these days. He had given her a week to think, and he wanted his baby back now.

"Now." Dr. Sanchez said as she clamped her hands together as she glanced down at the clip board on her lap. "On to the next topic, how do you feel about Sasha? How did you seeing her so unexpectedly make you feel?"

Ezriah thought about that question long and hard before responding. "I felt angry, I wanted to hurt her at first but then I felt sorry for her. She's selling her body and she said my dad introduced her to that life style. I can't help but to feel sympathy for her, even though a part of me hates her." He said with a sigh. "But a part of me will always have love for her. It's hard to explain Doc. Cause it's like I'm in love with Cimani, I don't think about Sasha at all. Our relationship is nothing to what me and Ci got,"

"You and Cimani have a connection, now you and Sasha? have history. It's normal for old feelings to resurface when you finally saw the woman who you were in love with through out your high school years, whether she hurt you or not." Dr. Sanchez said as she looked at Ezriah empathetically. "That love that you still have for Sasha can be pent up trauma. The reason you still feel as if you have love for her is because your anger is still pointed at the person she cheated with, and not her."

"As crazy as this sounds, in order to really move on from this entire situation, you have to forgive your father."

Of course Dr. Sanchez didn't know the entire back story, she thought Ezriah's father was still alive, living life. But boy was she wrong. Only him, his mother and brother knew where his father really was.


"Cimani Hassan?" The modish, Indian nurse that stood behind the desk stood up as her eyes scanned the room, looking for the patient.

Cimani's head snapped up as she adjusted the black Gucci shades that were on her face, grabbing her Gucci Dionysus bag she made her way towards the nurse. She didn't want to run into any one, specifically Ezriah so she thought the shades were a nice touch.

"Follow me." The nurse smiled as she lead Cimani to one of the rooms that were in the back of the office.

Cimani's eyes scanned every room she passed, uneasiness evident in her face as she examined the office from head to toe. She had never been to a clinic, and was surprised that it was so many girls walking in and out. She didn't think abortions where that normalized until she stepped foot into Planned parenthood at 9 o'clock this morning.

She had rescheduled her appointment so many times that she was still in disbelief that she was even there at that exact moment. It was almost as if she was awake, talking, and moving, but floating at the same time. Mentally? She wasn't there.

She sat quietly as she sat on the medical exam table. "My name is Nurse. Arya, I'll be taking your blood pressure today, drawing your blood and I'll be by your side all day, even when you go under the anesthesia."

Cimani nodded her head, she couldn't bring herself to speak as she sat there in a daze. She wanted Ezriah there with her, so bad. She needed to hear him say that he loved her and that everything would be okay, she knew he would've waited on her from head to toe if she would've told him what exactly was happening in this exact moment.

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