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Taehyung and Y/n were having a  general talk. Y/n's henna was still wet. Her hair was falling on her face. She tried numerous times to put them behind her ear but failed. 

Taehyung upon noticing it, tugged her hair behind her ear. His fingers brushed against her ear. Shivers ran down his spine on the contact with her skin. He looked at her with pursed lips and she stared at him nervously and shifted a bit away from Taehyung. 

Noticing the awkwardness in the air, he scooted away from her. 

" I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable... I didn't mean to do so..."

" No no.. It's fine... You just tried to help me... Thanks" 

They remained silent. Because... a meaningful silence was better than meaningless words... This is how a person should function... Right? 

A ring broke their chain of silence. It was Y/n's phone that was ringing. It was Arjun's call. With her mehendi still wet, how would she talk to Arjun? Airpods? But how to put them on? Ahh! Idea! Perfect. 

" Taehyung can you possibly help me reach out to my earphones?"

She asked him politely. Once Taehyung saw the caller ID, he was reluctant to help her. But... it was Y/n... he had an urge from within to help her. 

He reached out to her potli bad, took her AirPods, and put it in her ear. By the time he did this, the call ended. Still he put the AirPods in her ear. Again Arjun called her and this time she picked up the call. 

Y/n was about to get out of the water while talking to Arjun but instead, Taehyung got up and left. He purposefully left from there to give them some space. For some reason, he knew the relationship between Y/n and Arjun. He knew. He could easily make out from the way Y/n blushed while talking to him. 

Just when he was about to leave the area, he saw Jungkook running towards the poolside. To be more precise, Jungkook rushed towards the area where Y/n was sitting. Taehyung stopped and decided to decipher what Jungkook's next move could be. He saw that Jungkook went to Y/n and tapped on her shoulder.

Taehyung's hand automatically fisted. He decided to stop his act of deciphering his dongsaeng's next move and just look at what he was doing. Maybe... listen to their conversation.

" Y/n ssi, I have something very important to say" Jungkook struggled to say something to her. Y/n was still on the call with Arjun. 

" Jungkook I am talking to someone right now... can we talk later? Please?" 

Disappointed, Jungkook's face fell when he heard her. He nodded and left. He thought that maybe he was disturbing her when she was on an important call. Jungkook slowly got up and left. 

Taehyung heard this and he knew what exactly was happening. Jungkook was oblivious to Taehyung's growing possessiveness towards Y/n. The only person who now knew everything was Taheyung. 

Will he tell this to anyone? No. It was a matter of Y/n and he won't say anything. He wanted her all to himself. But with what relation? A friend? A lover? An acquaintance? He was unsure. 

Taehyung left the area once Jungkook was out of sight. Taehyung walked towards the dining area to have something since he felt hungry. He was craving for some Korean food. He found Indian food great but he thought that it wasn't fulfilling enough for him. 

He wanted to have some kimchi fried rice. But how to place an online order in a foreign land? The only person who came to his mind first was Y/n. But again, she was talking to her certain someone on the call. So, he huffed and went to Payal. 

Payal was sitting with the ladies and they were chatting with each other. 

Why Y/n didn't talk with the ladies? He felt a bit off about it but what was supposed to do? So, he shrugged off his thoughts and went to Payal. 

" What happened Tae?" Payal asked upon seeing him. 

" Noona I wanted to order Kimchi fried rice for myself but I don't know how to do it in India. Could you please help me with that?"

Payal scrunched her eyebrows. She narrowed her eyes at him and then spoke. 

" I am your elder sister Tae. Just ask me okay?" 

" yeah..." 

Payal ordered Kimchi fried rice from the best Korean restaurant for Taehyung. 

She was a great human. However, her behaviour towards Y/n changed completely. She had her reasons to behave that way with her sister. But... they were not blood-related. Were they? When Y/n was around, she behaved completely differently. She talked indifferently with her. 

After some time Taehyung finally had the peaceful Korean meal he was yearning for. Y/n was still on the call. Tomorrow, it was Payal and Jin's haldi ceremony. 

I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, and vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

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