Don't make a sound!

Whatever you are, don't make a sound!


"Boom, boom, boom!" The knocking grew louder and louder, like a heavy hammer continuously striking Tang Ning's chest. In that moment, Tang Ning felt like his heart was about to be pierced.

The incessant knocking suddenly stopped, as if whatever was outside decided to give up. The next moment, a creaking sound reached Tang Ning's ears, and he froze—

What had just happened?

"Classmates, let me in to see if you're asleep~" The sharp, thin voice couldn't contain its excitement, and Tang Ning heard the sound of a foot entering the room.

Tang Ning's mind went blank.

This time, no one made a sound! Why could it enter the room?!

Could it be that its strength was increasing day by day? Or was it that from the beginning, this monster could enter the room, but on the first day, it had been patient enough not to be discovered?!

Footsteps echoed in the silent dorm room.

No beam of flashlight.

Perhaps it was because Qi Yun had mentioned before that bright light disturbed his sleep.

Tang Ning's bed was closest to the door. He heard the footsteps lightly, as if someone was tiptoeing. Tang Ning closed his eyes, his whole body tense, as he tried to control the rhythm of his breathing.

Then he heard the footsteps suddenly stop.

Stopped very suddenly.

A long, eerie silence.

Under the anxious and tense emotions, Tang Ning's salivary glands were abnormal, and his abdomen began to ache subtly, causing cold sweat to form on his forehead.

Tang Ning desperately wanted to swallow saliva or curl up in a shrimp-like position to alleviate the pain. He was on the verge of collapsing, needing to use all his strength to clench his teeth and stifle the painful groans.

The blanket beside him was still suspended.

The eerie sense of being watched persisted.

And all Tang Ning could do was keep his eyes tightly shut, pretending to be asleep. He couldn't see anything, but he knew something was watching him, and the feeling was unbearable. Cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

In the midst of the anxious atmosphere, Tang Ning's only action was to keep his eyes closed, feigning sleep. Unable to bear the discomfort of being observed, he heard a faint and gentle inquiry by his ear: "Student from bed number one, are you asleep?"

Tang Ning's bed was number one.

Something was standing at the head of his bed!

Realizing this, Tang Ning's eyelashes trembled!

"Hehe." The thing joyfully laughed, "I saw it~"

Tang Ning's scalp tingled, feeling like he was in an icy cave.

As the cold hand touched his eyelashes, a chilling voice sounded, "He's asleep."

Delicate fingers continued to caress Tang Ning's trembling eyelids, and sharp nails seemed ready to poke into his eye sockets. "Some disobedient children pretend to sleep. If you open their eyelids and look at their eyeballs, you can tell if they're really asleep."

Goosebumps formed where Tang Ning was touched. He felt helpless, letting out a stifled cry, only to hear Qi Yun's increasingly cold voice, "I said, he's asleep."

I am a Flower Vase in an Infinite World / I Am a Useless flower in an infinite Where stories live. Discover now