Chapter 91- Isolation

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"I'll go." I finally say, exhaling pins and needles. 

Her eyebrows raise and she straightens up, "You sure?" 

I nod, "I won't run back into their arms. I won't kill anyone from our side. I just want to kill Nick." My body is tense with determination, with suppressed anger.

Alyssa nods, "Then go before it's too late." 

I don't think to question why she's so okay with this. She never wants me to go and fight especially now when I'm addicted to drugs again and back in that same relationship with Nick again. But there's not enough time to think about it.

I nod and pound out of the cell, jogging up the stairs and to the cars with metal sheets welded to them. 

It's almost like Damien senses me from behind because when I'm a few feet away from him, he immediately turns. "Gracing us with your presence?" 

That's the thing I love about Damien. He didn't change how he acted toward me at all. Even though he would have a bullet hole between the eyebrows if Daryl didn't grab me.

I nod, "Mhm." 

He smiles and nods to his car, motioning for me to get in with him. 

I nod and climb in, grabbing a shotgun from the back seat. 

When we enter the Sanctuary gates, I feel my stomach churn uncomfortably. We're about to blow up the place I lived for weeks, where I laughed and drank with other Saviors, where I felt understood. But most, maybe not all. 

If I'm lucky, Negan survives and Nick doesn't. I will do whatever in my power to make sure Negan survives. 

Anxiety creeps its way up to my neck, causing goosebumps to rise and my lips to become dry. 

I'm not worried about this, I'm worried about killing someone I grew to care about there like the wives and especially Negan. 

We park the cars in front of the familiar yard of Walkers, surrounded by a chain link fence and being held onto poles with chains. 

Damien and I run out of the cars, standing behind one of the metal sheets. 

With a hand raise from Maggie, we raise our guns. When she drops her hands, all of us fire three gunshots into the air, signaling we're ready to fight. 

I wait uncomfortably, wishing this could all be over and I was back at Alexandria, making bracelets with Alyssa, smoking weed with Abraham, and talking with Glenn.

Two of those things will never happen again.

I feel a punch to my gut but I don't have any time to act on it because Negan steps out of the Sanctuary, Lucille on his shoulder. 

"Well, shit." He says. "I'm sorry. I was in a meeting." Several other Saviors stand beside him. 

I feel my throat close up we I see Nick standing near Negan. Negan smirks, "I see you got your little mudflaps with 'ya. So I'm not exactly feelin' a reason for us to try throwin' lead at each other. I care about my people. I don't wanna just march them into the line of fire because I want to play 'my dick is bigger than yours'." It is. We both know it." 

He continues, "But I'm also comfortable enough to accept the fact if it wasn't. I'm certainly not gonna let my people die over that shit..." He points his bat at the metal sheets. "Like you're about to." 

It's quiet for a beat until Negan speaks again. "So, Rick," He starts. "What the hell can I do for you?" 

"Dwight." Rick says, pointing to Dwight. "Your name's Simon. You're Gavin." He pauses. "And you're Nick." His voice is filled with ice as he says Nick's name, malicious intent seeping through his words and spilling out like liquid. 

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