"You know," she grinned, "you and Rin actually make a good couple, he's the best soccer player in the school, and you're the best female volleyball player, it's like a match made in sports heaven!"

Y/n blushed at the thought, a mix of embarrassment and intrigue. "Kumi, it's not that simple, we're just friends, and besides being good at sports doesn't automatically make us a perfect match," she reasoned.

Kumi chuckled, "I know I know., I'm just teasing but hey, you never know what might happen, sometimes the best relationships start from the most unexpected friendships."

Y/n, still blushing from the teasing conversation, playfully shrugged off Kumi's matchmaking suggestions. She took a bite of the onigiri that Rin had given her, savoring the flavors while trying not to talk about the topic anymore.

As the final bell echoed through the school halls, signaling the end of classes, Y/n and Kumi hastily gathered their belongings. They exchanged hurried glances, realizing they were running late for volleyball practice.

Without wasting any time, they rushed towards the volleyball gym, the rhythmic echoes of their footsteps mirroring the urgency in their movements.

Midway through a spirited practice game, with volleyballs soaring through the air and players diving to make impressive saves, Kumi's keen eyes spotted an unexpected presence.

She nudged Y/n and subtly gestured towards the entrance door, where the soccer team, including Rin and his teammates, had entered the gym.

Y/n, focused on the game, followed Kumi's gaze and noticed the soccer players taking a seat in the audience benches.

Kumi, fueled by a mix of friendly competition and perhaps a hint of playful flirtation, decided to showcase her volleyball skills in the most impressive manner. With determination in her eyes, she aimed powerful serves and executed sets, drawing the attention of Reo.

Meanwhile, Y/n, though focused on the game, couldn't help but be aware of the spectators in the audience. She too heightened her performance, delivering precise serves and executing powerful attacks, showcasing the finesse that had earned her the title of the best female volleyball player in the school.

Rin, watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but be impressed by Y/n's prowess on the volleyball court. Her movements were a dance of skill and athleticism, leaving an indelible mark on his perception. The realization dawned on him that Y/n wasn't just good; she was exceptional.

During a break in the practice, Shidou couldn't help but voice his admiration for Y/n's volleyball skills. "Seriously, Y/n, you're too good at this game," he remarked, a genuine compliment laced with awe.

His comment resonated with the rest of the soccer team, and even some of the volleyball players, who nodded in agreement. The gym buzzed with a collective acknowledgment of Y/n's exceptional talent.

As the compliments flowed in for Y/n's exceptional volleyball skills, not everyone in the gym shared the same sentiment. Hana, a girl who had been watching from Y/n team side, couldn't shake off the feeling of jealousy that surged within her. The attention showered upon Y/n fueled a competitive spark, leading to an unfortunate decision.

In a moment of envy, Hana seized an opportunity during the practice game. As Y/n prepared to receive the ball, Hana, driven by a surge of jealousy, resorted to a foul play.

With a forceful push, she sent Y/n sprawling to the floor just as the ball was about to make contact with her hands.

The gym fell into a stunned silence as Y/n, caught off guard by the unexpected push, hit the floor with an audible thud. Hana's actions disrupted the flow of the game.

Rin, his concern overtaking any lingering reservations, rushed towards Y/n as soon as she hit the floor. "Y/n, are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.

Meanwhile, his eyes narrowed in anger as he turned towards Hana. "What's your problem?" he demanded, a sharp edge to his tone. The gym, once filled with the sounds of friendly competition, was now marked by a tense silence as Rin confronted Hana about her unsportsmanlike behavior.

Nagi, known for his calm demeanor, couldn't contain his anger witnessing Hana's behavior towards Y/n. The usually composed soccer player's temper flared, and he directed his fury at Hana.

"If you ever pull a stunt like that again, especially against Y/n you're done," Nagi raged, his voice sharp and authoritative. His threat echoed through the gym, cutting through the tension.

The intensity of his words emphasized the gravity of the situation, sending a clear message that such behavior would not be tolerated.

Hana, now faced with the consequences of her actions and the ire of her peers, realized the magnitude of her mistake

Rin, maintaining his protective stance beside Y/n, looked at Hana with a stern expression. "Apologize to Y/n, now," he commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument.

The gym remained hushed as Hana, feeling the weight of the situation, reluctantly approached Y/n. With a begrudging tone, she muttered an apology, though it lacked sincerity. "Sorry.."

Y/n, despite the apology, looked at Hana with a cold and unwavering gaze. "Don't let it happen again," she responded sternly, her tone cutting through the air.

Hana, under the weight of Y/n's gaze, nodded in acknowledgment, understanding the gravity of her actions.

Rin, his concern for Y/n overriding any residual tension, couldn't help but notice the bruises on both of her knees. His worry intensified, and he gently said, "Those bruises should be treated, let's get you to the nurse."

Without waiting for a response, Rin offered his hand to Y/n, silently urging her to stand.

Once inside the nurse's office, Rin guided Y/n to a chair, ensuring she was comfortable before setting off to find an ice pack and ointment for her bruises. His actions were a mix of silent determination and genuine care, a stark contrast to the earlier tensions on the volleyball court.

Rin returned with the necessary items, and with a steady hand, he applied the ointment to Y/n's bruised knees and carefully placed the ice pack to alleviate any swelling. The nurse observed the scene, appreciating Rin's attentive care as Y/n acknowledged his efforts with a grateful smile.

Rin, his gaze fixed on Y/n's face, asked with genuine concern, "Does it hurt?" Y/n initially shook her head, signaling that the pain was manageable. However, a sudden twinge of pain caused her to wince, revealing that the discomfort was still present.

Noticing her involuntary reaction, Rin's concern deepened. "Take it easy, if it hurts, let me know," he advised, his tone reassuring as he continued to attend to her injuries.

As Rin continued to tend to Y/n's bruised knees, a playful and teasing smirk crossed his face. "You know, I heard kisses have magical healing powers, want to give it a try?" he joked, referencing the playful banter they shared in the past.

Y/n, caught off guard by his playful suggestion, chuckled softly. "Nice try, but I think I'll stick with the ointment and ice pack," she replied, her smile revealing a mix of amusement and gratitude for Rin's attempt to lighten the mood.

Crossing courts | Rin ItoshiWhere stories live. Discover now