How do you know that?

Start from the beginning

"There's room up here."

"I'm not moving you and hurting you so I can fit next to you."

"I'm sitting up. I'm wearing shorts, just move the blanket and I can move my legs. If we are going to talk about this... I kinda need you close."

"Nothing you say is going to chase me away. I already figured something was up. No one tries to hang themselves out of the blue and no one attacks someone like the way you attacked me without something going on."

He moved the table before he moved the blanket. I went to bend my legs but he just lifted my left leg, planted his ass in between my legs and put my left leg over his lap.

"When I hurt myself a few months ago I was forced to start going back to Tara. It only lasted 2 weeks before I decided I didn't want to go anymore but it was enough time for her to test me for a bunch of things. The obvious being depression and anxiety. Which she thinks stems from feeling responsible in taking care of my siblings and my Dad when my Father wasn't able to. Especially when Apollo was diagnosed with Asperbergers. I have ADHD which is why I have a hard time sitting still and why I become fixated on things. And uhm... Intermittent Explosive Disorder. IED for short."

He nodded. "Okay... Why do you feel ashamed?"

"Because I'm an Alpha. My rank says I should be in control, I should be the fastest, I should heal the fastest, I should be dominant. Yet every bone in my body practically does the opposite. I know it's because I'm half human and maybe I wouldn't be if I hadn't been born so early but... I'm more like my Dad than not and I've seen how he struggles and when it started getting bad I didn't want to go through what he did. It's why I tried it the first time. The second time I wasn't trying so much as taking my anger out on myself because I didn't want anyone to know I was overwhelmingly angry and I didn't want anyone calling my Father home thinking I couldn't handle being the Alpha. I can. I can handle it fine. I just... sometimes I can't control it."

He squeezed my ankle. "That's what medication is for. I'm a werewolf and I have diabetes."


He nodded. "Yeah. My pancreas got damaged during a fight and I can't create insulin."

"I haven't seen you take any?"

"I don't do it where people can see. I always got weird looks for injecting myself and as much as I wanted those pumps or whatever, my old pack didn't have the money or the access for them and even my paycheck wasn't enough to help pay for what I needed to and get them."

"We can get it now."

"I know."

I leaned my head back. "Okay... so I'll let Margo know to order some. Then-"

"We aren't discussing my condition. I only told you because I understand where you are coming from. But.. we can make a deal."

"What kind of deal?"

"I watch you take your medications every morning until I can trust you to take them on your own. No skipping any days. I let you get me the pump. I will even let you watch when I take insulin until I get the pump. No more secrets."

"But I-"

"If you have the diagnosis you do need the meds. I'm not ashamed to be with someone who needs medication. Besides... I'd really like it if I don't have to worry about getting my nose broken again. Kind of a buzzkill."

"I said I was sorry about that."

"I know. Now I also know you couldn't control it but it doesn't change that it did happen."

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