Chapter 18

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Yo! I have very motivation. This is probably gonna be the last chapter but after editing I'll probably make another demon slayer book. Anygays enjoy!!!

Leon's pov:
When is Mr. Obanai going to visit me? It shouldn't take this long...
Suddenly I hear a knock at the door. Maybe it's him!! I run to the door but my dad gets there first.
"Hello." He greets the person. I look through the door. It's Ms. Mitsuri. Why is she here? Where is Mr. Obanai?
"Hi... could I maybe speak to Leon?" She asks him. He nods and signals me to come to the door.
She looks tired. Maybe it's because of her job. My bestie said that they can only do their job at night.
"Hey Leon." She smiles. "I don't know how to tell you this but..." what is she talking about? Why does she look so sad?
"Obanai... he's dead..." she looks to the side.
"What?" I ask. I feel my heart sink. This can't be happening again!
"But... he promised!!" I feel tears forming. "He said that he would come visit me!!!" Ms. Mitsuri comes up to me and hugs me tightly.
"I know..." she comforts me.
"H-h-how did he d-die?" I ask.
"It was... suicide." She says.
"If he was still going to commit suicide then why did they release him in the first place?!?!" I'm angry. The whole point of the hospital is to make people get better!
"It was my fault... I rushed them. I tried to make them release him as soon as possible so he could go back to work but it ended up like this.. I'm so sorry!!!" She was also crying.
It was her fault? Didn't she want him to get better? Didn't she love him? I let go of her. I turn my head.
"I have to go." I say as I start to shut the door.
"Wait!" Ms. Mitsuri yells. "If you would like... I would love if you could come to the funeral."
"When is it?"
"In about a week. If your parents are ok with is you could come with me back to where he's being buried."
"I'll ask."
"Ok. Ill come back tomorrow."
Time skip brought to you by me being sad.
My parents said yes. I'm leaving with Ms. Mitsuri today.
I still can't believe that this happened. How could he do that? Why would he do that? Why did Ms. Mitsuri rush them? If she didn't, he would still be alive.
I don't want to be angry at Ms. Mitsuri but I can't help but think of what could've happened if she hadn't rushed them.
I hear a knock at the door. I grab my bag and walk to the door. I open it to see Ms. Mitsuri.
"You ready to go?" She asks. I nod.
Another time skip brought to you by boring filler details.

Mitsuri's pov:
It's the day at the funeral. Leon has been staying at my estate. We are getting ready now. I have a black dress with silver jewelry.
Leon is wearing a black button up shirt with dark grey jeans.
We head over to the funeral. We see all the other hashira there (like with Rengoku's funeral) and Tanjiro and his squad (minus Nezuko who can't go outside during the day.)
He has no family so there is just a bunch of people that were close to him. That includes Rengokus dad and brother.
I feel bad for Mr. Rengoku. Obanai was like another son to him. That means he basically lost two sons in such a short span of time.
The service begins. They talk a lot about things like after death and about his life. They also sing some traditional Japanese funeral songs.
After the service there was open casket. Traditionally only family could do that but since he had none, all of the hashira, the Rengoku's and Master were invited.
He looks so lifeless now. His skin is so pale. Was it always this pale? He was in his demon slayer uniform (which is what most demon slayers get buried in)
He looked almost as if he was resting. I couldn't help but cry. If only I had taken the blood demon art seriously... we could've avoided this.
It's my fault...
All of this is...
I'm sorry...
"I'm so sorry..." I mumble under my breath. I can see Shinobu looking at me sadly. After we all agreed the coffin was closed and we headed towards the graveyard.
When we got there they singed a couple more songs as they prepared the coffin to go into the ground.
Finally it was time as they lowered the coffin into the ground.
Goodbye, Obanai...
I just wish I could've done more...
I could've...
I chose not to...
Everything feels unreal. I feel like I don't actually exist. This can't be real... right?
We head back for the meal after. I don't want to go. This is already too much.
I'm a mess. I've been crying nonstop. I didn't eat anything during the meal. I just listened to people say their good memories about him.
I didn't say anything. I just listened. I got some concerned looks (probably because I usually eat a lot) but I can tell they understand.
It's all my fault!
Why don't they all hate me?
I'm so stupid!
I hate myself!
After the funeral I headed back to my estate with Leon. We were both silent all the way back.
I guess you can't change fate... huh....

I'm done! Yay! I've never actually finished a book before so I'm really excited! (Even if it did end super sadly) I was actually so sad writing this! And that's from someone who doesn't get emotional easily. I hope y'all enjoyed this book! I'm looking forward to making more in the future. Peace out!

Word Count: 983

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