Chapter 10

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Guys I'm losing track of which pictures I've used for chapters already 😅 also if this chapter isn't out the day I started it then oops. I got a free trial for Super Duolingo so I did that for like... a couple of hours. Anyways Enjoy!

Obanai's pov:
I've been resting for a while. Trying not to think too much about what happened. I can't get it out of my head for some reason. Is this part of the blood demon art?
Knock knock. Someone knocks at the door. "May I come in?" I hear the voice of the blue girl. I sit up.
After a slight pause she realizes that I'm not going to respond and comes in anyways. "Shinobu says that we need to bring you to a... different place for now." She tells me.
A different place? Why? I'm fine now. The bullet wounds are ok now so why? Could it be...
"Um..." she awkwardly looks around. "She says we should leave as soon as possible." She states.
"But..." I start. "Mitsuri said that she would come back soon." I don't want to leave until Mitsuri comes back.
"I'll tell her where you are." She hastily says. She looks like she's in a rush so I get up and grab my haori which was beside the bed.

Tanjiro's pov:
I'm training with Inosuke. Suddenly I see Aoi and Iguro walk out of the Butterfly Mansion. I wonder why...
"OW!" I yell. Inosuke head butted me.
"HAHA!" Inosuke yells out. "DONT GET DISTRACTED GONPACHIRO!" Ugh. He's always yelling. It hurts my head.
"I'm going to go talk to those two." I tell him. He crosses his arms. I know that he's kind of mad at me because he didn't have a sparring buddy for a while. "I'll be right back!" I yell to him as I run over to Aoi
"Hey! Where are you going?" I ask her. She looks at me intensely. I don't get it. Am I supposed to know where they are going?
"We are going to a different hospital to get Mr. Iguro checked out." She states. I look at Iguro who looks just as confused as I am. A different hospital? Isn't Shinobus care enough?
"Oh. Ok then!" I exclaim to them. I guess I will ask Shinobu about it later but I can see Inosuke getting impatient so I run back over to him to continue sparring.
Time skip brought to you by me not wanting to bore you with filler stuff :)

Obanai's pov:
We walk through the halls of a hospital. It doesn't look like a normal hospital. No one looks injured and there are so many weird things.
I start remembering it again.


"Scar face!"



I feel dizzy. Everything is so loud. I can feel the judging eyes on me. I must look crazy right now holding my ears. Trying not to listen to the voices but they won't go away.

"It's all your fault!"

You should just die!"


"Kill yourself!"

I don't know what's going on anymore. Everything is a blur. I can feel that I've dropped to my knees. I can hear screaming. It's so loud!

Aoi's pov:
I can't tell what triggered it but I see Iguro put his hands up to his ears as we walk through the halls. Could this be the blood demon art? I'm worried since most of the others who got hit by it went crazy.
He's shaking. Badly. He closes his eyes tightly. "Hey." I call for a doctor. The one who delt with some of the other patients hit by the blood demon art. One of the only doctors who knows about the existence of demons.
She hurries over. "Hm..." she analyzes it. "It seems to be just like the other patients. I don't know what triggers their memories to come back..."
Iguro drops to his knees. He's mumbling something under his breath. I'm worried. What if he can't fight demons again? We can't spare another hashira.
"Can you carry him?" She asks me. I nod. I carry him while I follow her to an empty room. "Here. just put him on the bed." She instructs me. I comply.
"I have the report from Shinobu." I give her a piece of paper. Shinobu has been assessing the victims and deciding whether they would have to stay here or not and how bad it is.
"I see." She looks through the paper. "Well. I guess you can go back to the butterfly mansion now. I'll send a crow if anything happens." I nod and walk out of the room.

Mitsuri's pov:
I get back to the butterfly mansion after a long talk with Rengoku's dad over some tea. I speed walk over to the room where Obanai was in and open the door.
"Huh?" He isn't here? What happened? Surely he didn't leave right? I told him to stay and rest.
"Shinobu instructed me to take him to the hospital." Miss Aoi explained from behind me. I'm so confused. Isn't this a hospital?
"Wh-" I start but then realize what she meant. "Oh." I wish I had waited to go to the Rengoku estate. If that's what she means then I don't know when I'll be able to see him next.
She looks at me as if she could read my mind. "You should be able to see him within a week." She states. "I'll ask the doctor to tell us as soon as he can have visitors." She adds. I'm disappointed. I want to see him.
"Ok." I sigh. I'm kind of hungry. I guess I'll go to the new cafe that opened a few kilometres away from my estate.

Giyuus pov:
I was asked to go on a mission with Kocho tonight. I wonder what it's about. It must be big if he's sending two hashiras.
I get ready, I decide to bring Kocho some ginger sukhodoni. I heard that she likes that. Maybe she'll stop making fun of me if I give her some.

YAY! Another Chapter!!!! I didn't think I'd finish today! Anywho I'm tired. Enjoy your day/night!!!

Word Count: 1025

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