Chapter 3

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Hey guys!!! This is gonna be a pain to write 😅 I'm honestly looking forward to it though because I love sad things. I'm thinking of making another book of one shots from Genshin Impact maybe but it depends on how motivated I am. Anyways, Enjoy!!!

Obanai's pov:
I open my eyes to see a dark cell. I look around more. Mitsuri is beside me and Kamado is in the other end of the room. The demon girl is not here though. They are both unconscious.
This cell looks familiar. How did I get here? The last thing I remember was getting shot and... I thought Kamado cut off that demons head.
I see Mitsuri open her eyes a little bit then let out a small "eh?"

Mitsuri's pov:
I wake up to Obanai looking at me. We are in a small dark cell. "eh?" I say. Obanai looks just as confused as I am. Tanjiro is on the floor still unconscious.

Tanjiro's pov:
I open my eyes. I realize that I am laying on the hard cold floor of a cell much like one in a prison. Kanroji and Iguro are both here and are giving each other confused looks before they glance at me and realize I woke up.
"Tanjirooo!!" Kanroji yells. It sounded very loud because the noise ringed in the cell.
"Where are we?" I ask confused.
"We have no idea" Iguro responded, finally talking to me. Yesssss.
Suddenly we appear outside the cell and see a couple of people walking towards us.
"Oh Hello. You guys don't look like demons where are we???" I ask them. They don't respond and walk past me. No... THEY WENT THROUGH ME!!!!

3rd person pov:
The people walked by the three demon slayers. It was two people. They unlocked the cell and walked inside grabbing a boy harshly by the wrists and dragging him out. The boy had long black hair and one yellow eye and one blue. The demon slayers were confused but followed the three.

Obanai's pov:
Wait a minute. This place... it's familiar... my heart sinks when I realize where we are. This must be the blood demon art that Master mentioned. But why are Mitsuri and Kamado affected too? Only I got shot.
My suspicion was confirmed when I saw two people walk past... or through us. They unlocked the cell and I immediately remembered this.

Mitsuri's pov:
That child looks familiar. It's so odd. These people don't seem to see us or be able to touch us. Could this be a memory? Is tho what the master mentioned? If so then whose memory is it? I take a closer look at the child who seems to have heterochromia. One blue eye and one... yellow eye? This must be Obanai's memory but.. why was he in a cell? Who are these people and why do they look so angry?
"Hey, they are leaving. We should follow them" Tanjiro inquired. He seems to have already guessed what this is. I looked back at Obanai, his face has gone pale but when me and Tanjiro went after them he followed behind.
The two adults dragged the child (Obanai) to a room. Inside the room there was a demon who looked like a snake. In the room the snake demon looked at him and frowned.
"Hmm I thought he would be bigger by now." The demon simply observed.
I looked at Obanai and he looked terrified and... a little embarrassed. He's so cute!!

Obanai's pov:
I don't want them to see this... I don't even want to see this. The nightmares are already enough but seeing all of it again...
Mitsuri is looking at me. She looks a little bit concerned. I don't know what to do. I can't keep watching this and I don't want them to watch it either. I'm panicking internally but I try to look calm. Kamado looks at me. Can he see that I'm panicking? I thought I was hiding it well. Mitsuri seems to be buying it anyways.

Tanjiro's pov:
As the people continue to talk to each other I smell... fear? I look over to who it's coming from. It's Iguro. He sees me looking at him and looks away quickly.
The people hastily rush into another room and I was about to suggest we stay here instead of following them but as soon as they left, we basically teleported to the other room too.
We see the people take the child to a big pot. The smell of fear is strong and so can see Iguro shaking and watching nervously. One of the woman hold the child and the other one slices his mouth open from ear to ear. So that's why he always wears that mask.

Obanai's pov:
I can't do anything but watch in terror. I would look away but I can't move. I'm trembling so much I'm surprised that my knees haven't buckled yet. I know the other two can see my panic. Im almost having a full panic attack. My heart is beating so fast.
I see the blood come out and remember vividly the feeling of my mouth being cut open. I close my eyes. I'm pathetic. Why can't I just look away, not worry. It's all in the past now. I just can't get over it. At this point I'm trembling so hard as we get teleported back to the cell. I fall and feel someone catch me before I can hit the ground.

Mitsuri's pov:
I feel so bad. I didn't know that any of this happened to him. He looks like he's panicking bad. After the gruesome scene finishes, the two ladies lead the child to the cell and we all appear there too. Obanai falls to his knees but Tanjiro catches him before he hits the ground. This must be tough...

I was super busy today and barely got out this chapter today but I figured that if I didn't get out 1 chapter a day I would get lazy and stop updating all together. Plus I am feeling really motivated today. I hope y'all enjoyed I'm looking forward to making the next chapter (hopefully tomorrow) Have a good Morning, afternoon, evening, night, or whatever time it is rn.

Word Count: 1050

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