Chapter 1

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Hey guys!!! Just letting you know that I'm not the most reliable person in terms of regular updates but if I really feel this story and people read it then I will do my best to update this story at least twice a week. (No promises tho) You can put suggestions in the comments for how this could go because I don't have a plan yet. Enjoy!!!

Mitsuri's pov:
Master called me and Obanai to talk to him. I wonder what we will be talking about. Maybe I'll get to go on a mission with him!!! I always love talking with him and he always waits for me when we have meals together with the hashiras. Such a gentleman!!!
I bump into something. Or someone. "Kyaa!!! Oh sorry Tanjiro!!" I say as I back up to see Tanjiro and Nezuko. "Wait Tanjiro, Nezuko, what are you doing here? Has master requested to talk to you too?" Maybe I'll get to go on a mission with Tanjiro and Nezuko!!! Tanjiro is so cool!!! And Nezuko is adorable. I love braiding her long hair!!
"Yeah. My crow told me that Mr. Ubuyashiki asked to see me." Tanjiro replied with a smile on his face. CUUUUTE!!!
We are interrupted by Obanai walking in and staring at Tanjiro. I get the feeling that he doesn't like Tanjiro very much. I don't know why, Tanjiro is so nice.

Obanai's pov:
Finally I'm at the meeting place. I'm late because Kaburamaru decided to play hide and seek with me. It looks like Master isn't here yet though so it should be fine. I walk in to see Mitsuri who I was told would be here and... Kamado with his sister.
I was never fond of Kamado's sister... or Kamado. His sister is a demon and I just cant accept a demon becoming a demon slayer. How do we know she won't kill someone? Or... I push those thoughts away for now.
"Greetings Mitsuri" I greet the pink haired girl. She is overly excited like always.
"HEY OBANAI!" She basically screams. I look at Kamado not really wanting to talk to him. I wonder if I have to go on a mission with him. I hope not.

Tanjiro's pov:
Iguro can be scary sometimes. He's just staring at me. I don't think that he likes me very much. In that case I'll make him like me... NICELY OF COURSE IM NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING DRASTIC. I hope that we can get closer on the mission.
I smell Mr. Ubuyashiki walk in and turn around. The others quickly bow and I follow their lead.
"Lift your heads children" he tells us. His voice is so nice. I perk up. "I have a mission for you three. There is a demon with a very interesting blood demon art wandering around."
"Ooooo what kind of blood demon art Master??" Kanroji asks. I'm also interested. Either this demon is very powerful or this blood demon art is very dangerous if he wants to send two hashira!
"This demon has holes all over his body that work like guns. If you get hit with these bullits then you will have flashbacks of certain memories. We don't have too much information on it though because the only people who got hit by it aren't doing too well mentally so we couldn't get too much information out of them." He explains all that he knows.
"Kyaaa! Sounds scary" Kanroji observes. I definitely don't want to get hit by those. I think to myself.
"You guys should probably start heading out in a few hours. Mitsuri's crow will show you where to go and you should be there by tonight." Mr. Ubuyashiki states. We all get up to get our things. I was staying at the butterfly mansion so I would just go get some things like money in case we need to buy anything.

Obanai's pov:
After the meeting I go straight to my estate. We decided on meeting at the huge cherry blossom tree by Mitsuri's estate in 2 hours so that we have time to walk there.
I'm not particularly looking forward to this mission since Kamado is going. I guess it will be ok though, as long as I don't get hit by one of those bullits. The last thing I need is to remember my past that already haunts me daily.
I pack some money in a small bag that I can fit in my pocket and feed Kaburamaru. I wasn't hungry and Mitsuri will probably force me to eat something once we get there so I won't eat now.
After staring into space for a while and trying to fix one of my chairs that randomly broke a couple of days ago I realize it's time to head for Mitsuri's estate.
I walk to the big tree and decide to climb it since I got there a little early. I like climbing trees. Being in trees makes me look taller.

Mitsuri's pov:
I see Obanai in the cherry tree. He's so cool!!! I can't wait to go on this mission. I can bond with Obanai and Tanjiro and hopefully get them to not hate each other so much.

Ok that's the first chapter. As I said before you can leave suggestions in the comments and stuff. I just want to get to the main part of this story so I might update more than two times a week for a little bit. I hope you enjoyed reading this.

Word Count: 923

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