Chapter 12

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Hey guys! I just got like incredibly motivated so I'll probably publish this at around the same time as my other chapter because I have no internet and can't post the other one at the moment but if I end up publishing this one in a couple of days then oops. I keep getting unmotivated in the middle of chapters but anygay. Enjoy!

Mitsuri's pov:
It's been 4 days since Obanai went off to the hospital and today Aoi said that I can finally visit him. I'm so excited!
I walk over to the hospital getting a couple of weird looks as I get closer. Man. People need to learn to mind their own business.
I walk into the hospital. There is a mean looking lady at the front desk. Her name tag says Susan... figures. (Sorry if there are any Susan's reading this)
"Hey! I'm here to visit someone!" I say cheerfully. She loudly smacks her gum looking me up and down.
"What's their name?" She asks me clearly annoyed. How does she even still have a job? I'd fire her if I could.
"Iguro Obanai." I try not to let the annoyance into my voice. She clicks at her computer with her long nails.
"Alright." She smacks her gum again. "You can go into the visiting room over there and I'll call him over." I nod eager to get away from her and speed walk into the room.
It was almost empty but it did have two couches and a table with some chairs around it in the middle. There were also things like fidget toys and paper and markers.
I didn't wait long before Obanai walks in. I hear a boy behind him.
"YOU HAVE A VISITER! COOL! I WISH MY PARENTS WOULD VISIT ME!" it sounded like a child. How sad. He sounded so young what could've happened to him to put him here?
Obanai says bye to him and closes the door.
"Hello!" I say. Barely holding back my excitement. "Was that a friend?" I ask him.
"Yeah." He replies.
"He's really young isn't he." I say. Obanai nods. I'm glad that he managed to make a friend so quickly. He's not one to socialize with people willingly.
"I brought Kaburamaru." I tell him as the snake slithers out from my shirt. He seems to like it in there for some reason. (Cough cough Boobies)
Obanai lets Kaburamaru slither up his arm and wrap around his neck. He looks more content now.
"Oh, and I also brought you some of the things from your estate." I give him a bag of some clothes and books and other things he might want.
"Thanks." He says.
I'm a little worried. Usually he talks a little more to me. I wonder what's going on inside his head.
"Are you okay?" I ask.

Obanai's pov:
The silence makes the voice come back.

"She feels bad for you!"


"-nai? Obanai?" She brings me back to reality. Waving her hand in front of my face.
"Oh. Sorry. What did you say?" I ask. She looks more concerned.
"I just asked if you are ok." She tells me.

"She knows."

"She will never think of you the same"

"Everyone will know now"

"They are all going to hate you"

"I'm fine." I state. She doesn't look too convinced but I am in a mental hospital right now so it makes sense.
"Do you know how long you are going to stay here?" She asks me. How long... I think I remember them saying something about that.
"They said that they would wait for about two weeks then they would decide whether I should stay longer or not." I say. They probably do this to all of the demon slayers who get hit by the blood demon art. She nods.
I pat Kaburamaru who is trying to eat my cheek for some reason. He's not biting hard but it does hurt a little bit.
"So." She starts. "I never thought you would be one to socialize. How did you get a friend so quick?" I'm not Tomioka! Im just fine at socializing!
"He just started talking to me when I got here for some reason." I tell her what happened. I tell her about how he brought me to his room and showed me his awesome art.
"He seems like a good kid. What's his name?" she asks after I tell her a few things that we did in the past 4 days.
"His name is Leon." I say.
We talk about a couple of things for a few more minutes until our time was up. (For some reason we have time limits for guests like we're in a prison or something.)
Susan comes in. "Times up!" She says. I glare at her and can see that Mitsuri looks not too fond of her either.
"Ok." I say. She just stands in the doorway. I say goodbye to Mitsuri and walk out of the room. She walks in the opposite direction out of the hospital.
"HEY! WHAT DID YOU GET?" The boy asks me. "WAS THAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND?" He asks. I know that Mitsuri heard that from across the hall because she starts to giggle.
"Uh!" I can feel my face turn red. "She's just my friend!" I hastily tell him. He looks at me rolling his eyes and Mitsuri starts to walk away again.
"So what did you get?" He asks.
"She just brought me a couple of things from my house." I tell him. Being the curious kid he is he looks through my bag as we walk to my room to put it away.
"Sooooooo!" He says as we get to my room.
I look at him. "So what?"
"YOU LIKE HER DONT YOU!" He yells loud enough for the whole world to hear.
"N-n-no!" I stutter. I can feel my face going red.
"Okay then." He says sarcastically. He walks out of my room because if Susan catches him then she might revoke his macaroni privileges.

YAY! Another chapter! I'm so happy. Anygay imma try to start consistently updating hopefully once a day. Have a great day/night

Word Count: 1035

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