Chapter 8

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Hello! This chapter might be a little confusing because I can't write. Hehe~ anyways I'll try to make it as not confusing as I can. Enjoy!!

Obanai's pov:
Wait. What's happening? I wake up in my room? Is this real? Are we still in memories? But how? There's nothing else to look at? We've looked at memories as recent as last week. But if this is real then why are we all in my room on the floor?
Mitsuri wakes up and looks as confused as I am. "What?" She questions. I shrug. Finally Kamado wakes up. If this is a memory then it should start now.
I walk into the room. I look scared. I don't remember this. What's happening? I walk to my drawer where I keep my blade.
I frantically take it, not even bothering to go to the bathroom I roll up my sleeves and cut really deep. I've never done that before.
I do the same to the other wrist. I look satisfied before I sit down with my back against the wall. I look out of breath.
Kamado seems to catch my confusion. "Maybe..." he starts. "Could this be... the future?" He asks me. But how?
"But.." I start. I look down. It's surely possible. But why? And how? Surely something such as fate doesn't exist right?
I watch as my "future self" goes limp. Blood surrounding the body. Kaburamaru curled up on my chest. I felt present Kaburamaru tighten around my neck.
Suddenly we see someone run in. "Obanai!!!!" She yells. It was Mitsuri. "NOO!!" She's crying. I look at present Mitsuri. She's also crying. She looks scared.
Mitsuri goes up to me. "Am I too late?" She frantically checks my pulse. "No, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening... I knew it was going to happen. How did I let it happen?"
Suddenly Kocho and Kamado walk in. "Mitsuri..." Kamado looks at her.
"..." Kocho checks his pulse after Mitsuri. "He's dead." She tells her. Mitsuri starts sobbing even harder.
"But I knew this was going to happen!" She exclaims. "Me and Tanjiro saw!" Kocho looks sympathetic.
"Maybe you two should go to the butterfly mansion." She orders them. Kamado leads Mitsuri out.
Then, with no warning, everything goes black and I feel myself drop to the ground. Maybe this is it...

Inosuke's pov:
Purple lady says that Gonpachiro will wake up soon. He looks awake enough! I pinch his nose. He shoots up.
"INOSUKE!" He screams.
"AHA!!!" I knew it would work. But blue girl was always around and told me not to...
"Huh?" Forehead looks around. "How did we get here?" He asks me. Hmph. He doesn't even know what the King of the Mountains has done for him.
"You three came here asleep so I INOSUKE watched you, my underling!" I exclaim proudly, crossing my arms.
My underling looks around the room instead of praising me. Hmph! He has no respect!!!
"WAIT! What about Kanroji and Iguro?! Are they ok?" He asks.
"They will be ok" blue girl states coming from behind us. "Are YOU ok? How are you feeling?" She asks him.
I'm bored now so I run outside to go headbutt some trees.

Mitsuri's pov:
I wake up to two people talking. I open my eyes to see Tanjiro in a bed beside me at what must be the butterfly mansion since he's talking to Miss Aoi.
They notice me awake and Miss Aoi walks over hastily. "Are you feeling ok?" She asks me. She's so cute! She's always worried about others.
"Yes I'm fine." I say. Miss Aoi looks worried. I wonder if Tanjiro told her about what happened. It was a lot to process for sure but I'm more worried about Obanai.
I look around. Obanai is still unconscious on the bed on the other side of me. Kaburamaru is curled up on his chest. Cute!
"How long have we been out?" I ask Miss Aoi.
She thinks for a bit. "It's been about 27 days." She tells me.
"Huuuuuuh!!!" I exclaim. It felt like it had only been a day or two. I wonder how much stuff I've missed. I'll have to ask Shinobu to fill me in on what they have been talking about in the meetings.
That's not the most important thing right now. I need to tell Miss Aoi about what we saw if Tanjiro hadn't already told her.
"Miss Kanroji?" She waves her hand in front of my face. I guess I spaced out.
"Hm?" I ask.
"Can you come with me for a minute? I would like to speak to you about what you and Tanjiro saw." She explains. I nod.
Me Miss Aoi and Tanjiro walk over to an office. It was small and had a bunch of cute things in it. It was very blue themed.
"So... I understand that the demon that you guys were after shot Mr. Obanai and Nezuko told me that when you two touched him you fainted. Tanjiro also told me you saw some... disturbing things while you were out. Can you tell me what happened?" She explained. Wait a minute! I thought Nezuko couldn't talk! How did she tell her?
"Well..." Tanjiro started. He explained in not too much detail but just enough that she would know all that happened.
She stayed silent the whole time. She occasionally nodded and wrote things down. It took a while to say all of it. It was mostly Tanjiro who spoke. I didn't know if I could say what happened.

??? pov:
I've been in this damn hospital for an unknown amount of time. They refuse to let me go.
The thoughts stopped happening a while ago. They played in my head over and over in my head when I woke up. The same things that I watched after I got shot.
They keep me here without anything that could be used to hurt myself. They are scared that if I'm given the opportunity, I might kill myself. What I saw... it was that I would be killed by a demon. A scary gay looking one with rainbow eyes. I remember it vividly. I keep telling them but they change the subject each time.
I don't like it here. There are a bunch of crazy people here. They treat me the same as them.
"You can go." One of the doctors tells me while walking into my room.
"Why so sudden?" I ask. They never showed any signs of letting me go. I didn't want to waste any time though and walked out of the room beside the doctor.
"Someone just gave us the ok to let you go." The doctor plainly states as we walk to the front desk to get me discharged.

I did not update for a while 😅 whoopsie. But like no one's reading anyways so... not sorry I guess. I'm probably gonna make another part soon because I'm on a long drive rn. Anyways have a great day/night!

Word Count: 1167

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