Chapter 11

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Hello my children. Um.. thank you for reading this story still. Enjoy!

Obanai's pov:
I'm running through the halls. I can't hear the sound of water dripping over my breathing. All I want to do right now is curl up into a ball and die but I can't. My body won't let me.
I still smell deep fried food. It smells so bad. I gag. I can't think of that right now. I just need to keep running. Surely it will all be better if I get out of here. Right?
What if this is all in vain. Should I have just let the demon eat me? Should I stop? I hear the slithering of the demon behind me. I should stop. I want to. But... my body keeps going.

"ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" I got my answer. I should've just stayed. Then they all wouldn't have died. It would all be better if I died...



"Kill yourself!"

"You don't deserve to live!"

I know. Deep down I've known. Always... it's haunted me since the day I left that place. I feel hands grab me... pulling me away.
It's ok right? I want to die. Then why am I struggling? Just let them take you. You wanted this...


"STOP!" I yell out. I'm breathing so fast. Calm down, calm down, calm down. I feel the tears start to run down my cheek.
Was it all a nightmare? I thought that I was over that. I stopped having them years ago. Well... I still have them occasionally but it wasn't every night.
I see a doctor come in. "Oh! You're awake." She looks at me sympathetically. She feels sorry for me. I don't want her to. It's pathetic.
"Where's Kaburamaru?" I ask her. She looks confused. "My snake." I explain.
"Oh. We gave that to the girl who brought you here." She told me. "Snakes aren't really allowed here." Where am I? Oh yeah. I'm in a hospital.
"Well." She starts. "I'm going to be your nurse. I'm going to be checking in on you daily. You can feel free to look around the place when you're ready." She told me. What is this? Some kind of daycare?
"Okay." I respond. I look around the room. The walls are a pastel yellow and there is barely any furniture. Just a bed and a TV on the wall across from the bed.
There's also a closet (probably for all of my stuff) I didn't bring anything though.

"She's gone. You can kill yourself now."

The voice whispered at me. "Can you shut up?"

"You know you want to. They know now. They are going to keep you here. They will treat you like a crazy person. That's why you're here."

"No. I'm just here for them to check on me. They will let me out soon." I try to tell the voice. All though deep down I know that it won't be that easy.

"Just do it."

"With what?"

"I don't know... check the closet. There has to be something in there."

I sigh. I walk over to the closet and open it up. The only thing in there are shelves. No hangers or anything. "See? There's nothing. I can't do it even if I wanted to."
The voice doesn't respond. I take that as a win and walk out of my room. It probably won't come back around other people.
I look around. There's a lounge with couches. People are playing a game, I forget what it's called, I don't usually play board games.
There's also a large table with some people gluing what looks like macaroni to paper. Why are they doing that?
I sense a presence behind me and turn around.
"Hello!" A little boy says cheerfully. How can he be so cheerful? Does he know where he is?
"Hi." I say back to him. He looks at me happily. "Do you want to see something?" He asks me. He gives off a sinister vibe now.
"Uhh..." I can't finish before he grabs my arm. He gets a dirty look from one of the nurses and lets me go.
"Come on!" He giggles. I follow him (not knowing what else to do) we get to a room that I assume is his.
He opens the door and goes in. I follow him. His room looks similar to mine but there is art all over the wall.
"Look at this one!" He shows me a picture with macaroni on it in the shape of... "ITS A PENIS!" He yells and starts giggling.
"Oh!" I'm a little confused. Why did he show me this? "That's... very nice?" I tell him. What else am I supposed to say?
"Hehehe! Wanna be friends?" He asks me.
"Sure." I reply. Suddenly a nurse walks in. It's the same one who gave him a dirty look before. I don't like her vibe.
"Hey! You can't loiter in each others rooms! Go to the common area!" She basically yells at us. Geez... we aren't prisoners.
"Sorry..." the kid sadly apologized. "LETS GO MAKE MACARONI ART!" He yells at me. I guess this place won't be so bad for now...

Sorry for the wait but here's another chapter. I got unmotivated when I decided that I should do a little research on asylums. Also the thing with the kid showing him a penis actually happened to my brother when he went to one. I thought it was kinda funny so I decided to include it. Anyways, have a great day/night!

Word Count: 929

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