🦋F O U R🦋

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I wake up in intervals

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I wake up in intervals.

First, I feel the soft sheets under and on my body. Then I feel soft rays of sun hitting my eyes, making me groan lowly and squirm on the soft mattress. And next moment, I realise that I'm naked.

My eyes open and I look around, finally registering that this isn't my room. This room is so big and clean, and so white. Even the bedsheets are white, the blanket I'm under is white.

But how am I here? Why do I feel so light headed? And oh God, my throat is so dry.

My mind suddenly travels back to Young Soo. I frown with my eyes closed. He must be waiting for me downstairs for the breakfast. Ugh, I hate him. I hope he dies today-


Didn't we go for shopping last night?

We did that pity shopping, went to restaurant, and I went to washroom, where I met Jungkook-

My eyes snap open as I sit up straight. My head spins at the sudden commotion with a sharp pain surging through it.

"Ah..," I groan as I feel my ears ringing and heart racing inside me.

Oh heavens, where am I?

I look around with paining eyes. The room is bright because of the scorching sunlight from outside, though it's not hot. The room must be air contiditioned.

But how and why am I here?

I think harder as I follow the train of things that happened from what I remember. I met Jungkook in the restroom, he helped me crawl out of the room. I was free and then he... drugged me?


Fuck fuck fuck!

Am I kidnapped, again? By Jungkook?

What the fuck?

Horror tingles down my spine as I make out scenarios. Firstly, I check my body for some new scar. I really hope I wasn't abused while being unconscious. However, there isn't any trace of it. I reach between my legs to feel any disgusting trait of dread off sticky substance, but no there isn't.

Then why am I naked? Did Jungkook do it? Or someone else?


Why has he kidnapped me? Is he going to sell me, too, now? Or to kill me, to revenge his father?

For God's sake, I don't want to be the tool in his revenge game!

But most importantly, where am I? This doesn't look like the mansion where I was before. Is this his place?

I don't want to know that. I just don't want to be here. I dont want to again live in a hell, even though this looks different. Who knows I'm just here for a few hours or days before they take me somewhere else?

𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄 (JJK Yandere) / 21+Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant