The game would never provide a guaranteed death scenario at the start.

Tang Ning speculated that if the player kept peeking, it wouldn't be so easy to die directly. He saw the player retract his head, then heard the player's scream.

Tang Ning tried to put himself in the shoes of that player—

I'm crouching in the restroom, peeking at another person through the partition gap. When I turn back...

Make eye contact with the monster.

Tang Ning immediately closed his eyes, not daring to imagine further. He didn't dare to run out, afraid of encountering the monster as soon as he opened the door. He didn't dare to lower his head, fearing the monster might be peeking through the gap in the partition. He didn't dare to lift his head, afraid the monster might be staring at him from the top of the partition.

Tang Ning was on the verge of being driven crazy by his uncontrollable imagination. He tightly closed his eyes, clenched his teeth, struggling not to let the sound of his trembling teeth alert the unknown presence.

Calm down.

Must stay calm!

What can he do now? Right, the phone at his feet! Within 30 seconds of a player's death, you can pick up the card. It was an A-grade card, an extra card meant an extra hope of survival!

Tang Ning silently bent down, gently picking up the phone based on memory, hearing the system notification:

【Congratulations, you obtained the "Lumberjack Card"】

【Lumberjack Card Setting 1: You have one chance to face the golden axe, silver axe, and iron axe】

【Lumberjack Card Setting 2: Choose wrong, and you will be killed by the axe】

What was this function? Before Tang Ning could remember the rules, the eating sound stopped, replaced by the sound of flushing.

Tang Ning was about to lose his breath. When visual stimuli were deprived, other senses became especially acute. He heard, amidst the rushing water sound, a sudden approaching footsteps.

Tang Ning covered his mouth tightly as the sound of water gradually subsided. He heard the footsteps getting closer, one step, then another, walking in the restroom.

Was the monster about to leave!

The joy in Tang Ning's heart had not fully risen when he heard a slight "click."

It sounded like the sound of a door being opened.

Did someone exit from the stall? Or was something opening the door?

No, restroom doors lock from the inside! They can't be opened!

Fearing that his erratic breathing might reveal his position, Tang Ning shivered as he covered his face with the school uniform.

The footsteps, which had paused for a moment, resumed, walking calmly in the restroom. Then, there was another sound of a door opening.

Tang Ning trembled violently.

He desperately realized that something was systematically opening each door.

How many stalls are there in a restroom?

Tang Ning hadn't seen the structure of this restroom, but he could sense the diminishing time on his countdown by the increasingly distinct footsteps.


It can't be! There must be a way!

Tang Ning forced himself to think, what to do? What to do?!

Tang Ning wished he could use his fists to pound his head, hated his foolish brain for not figuring out a solution, and despised his body for being so scared that it had no strength left. He was so shaky that he couldn't even walk steadily, let alone muster the strength to open the door blindly with closed eyes.

I am a Flower Vase in an Infinite World / I Am a Useless flower in an infinite Where stories live. Discover now