It's not a secret anymore

Start from the beginning

Phil stopped speaking, only to lock my fingers within his, and hold our hands up towards the camera, so that everyone would be able to see.   

"Believe it or not, it wasn't just our idea to make this video and tell you guys everything. We happened to run into one of our fans today outside of Starbucks, and she realized we were holding hands. Well basically she sort of crept up behind us and saw it, but same thing. She actually spoke to us about it for a bit, and I was sort of objective about it, which I'm sorry for. But this made us realize..." I trailed off for a second to turn and look at Phil, smiling at him as I was just about to reveal the ultimate secret to our millions of fans. "It made us realize that you all deserve to know, that we really are together."  

"Honestly though, this just happened recently. A few days ago, to be honest." Phil picked up speaking where I left off. "We're still getting used to it and everything, but it's been going really great. Both of us are really happy with each other, and we couldn't help but want to share all our happiness with you guys! So please, comment below and let us know what you're thinking. Thank you guys so much for always supporting us through everything! It's a huge part of why we're so confident in sharing this with you."  

"...and also sharing this." I blurted out before cupping Phil's cheek and turning his head to face me, and look me directly in my eyes.   

I leant forward and kissed him, slow and sweetly, just for a few seconds to further prove my love for Phil to him and everyone who would be watching.   

"Bye guys!!" We both said simultaneously, before making heart shapes with our hands and stopping recording.   

"Wow, that went really well. Shocking that we were able to film it all at once!" Phil said, adjusting the grip of his hand within mine.   

"I know! It just shows how confident we are about this whole thing, and how much we trust our fans. Just let me save it onto my mac and do some quick little editing! And we'll upload it right when I'm done." I promised him, the enthusiasm within me just rolling off my tongue as I spoke.   

"Okay Dan that sounds great! Uploading it to your channel then?" Phil asked.   

"Yeah... That's okay, right? Cause I mean you just uploaded a video last night, and I feel like I owe my subscribers something." I stated honestly, hoping that Phil wasn't hurt or offended in any way by it.   

"Yeah that makes much more sense!" Phil agreed, thankfully.   

I smiled and nodded, getting ready to take a few minutes to edit what may be the most crazy video we've ever made, even though we were just sat there in our pyjamas talking in it.   

"And.... There." I said as I added my finishing touch to our new video.   

"Upload! Upload!" Phil encouraged me enthusiastically, which made me want it to load even faster, just from seeing how excited he was.  

We waited about 12 minutes all and all for it to be finished uploading, as the video was only a few minutes long.   

"Okay... Are you ready for our best and biggest secret ever to be revealed to millions of fans around the world?!" I asked, as if trying to get Phil even more excited for this.   

"Yes! Do itttttt now! Come on!" He pleaded.   

I clicked 'publish', as the beats of my heart began to increase in amount and intensity.   

When people began liking it and commenting instantly, my brain was about to explode with all the surprisingly positive feedback.   

I quickly shared a link to twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook, just so all of our fans were aware of the video.   

Phil began to read out a few comments that caught his eye, "OMFG IS THIS REAL LIFE OR JUST ANOTHER PRANK LIKE THE VALENTINES VIDEO" "you guys! This made my LIFE! SO cute x" "gdghtrdsvyreefgttr"  

We began giggling at all the fangirls comments, though I didn't know how Phil managed to read the last one that was nearly unpronounceable.   

I decided to scroll through twitter a bit and read some of the replies to the video, which we decided to call "Oh, it is love", of course.  

Nearly every single one of the replies were fangirls, which I didn't mind because I knew they were supportive of us. I replied to a few tweets before I switched over to Tumblr.   

Phil saw the posts on my dash and commented, "of course there are already gifs of us kissing".   

We both giggled, while also admiring how adorable it was.   

We recreated the gifs by sharing another real life kiss and smiling like there's no tomorrow.   

"You know, we have the best fans in the world, Phil." I couldn't help but say that. I was so happy, and it was so true. I just really hope the video wasn't seen or heard of by any of the wrong people, but that's a fear I'll keep to myself for now.   

"I know we do Dan, I know we do." Phil agreed, and cuddled into me as we enjoyed being able to be our true selves all the time now. 

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