Lost and found

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*Dan's POV*

I literally just stood in the same position for 5 or more minutes after Phil stormed out of our flat.

'What the fuck just happened?' The voice in my head questioned.

I simply sighed, as I wished more than anything that I could answer that question.

Phil really didn't specify that he had feelings for me... So why did I explode on him like that? Deep down I knew, honestly. I just didn't wanna admit that to myself.

I never even admitted it to Phil. A deep, horrendous secret from my past that no one could ever guess.

Never in a million years would I want to make it even slightly obvious. Pretty much I wanted to forget it altogether.

It wouldn't have been so bad if my dad hasn't abused and disowned me for it. My mother was actually alright with it, and so was my brother.

My father and I rarely were on the same page with anything though.

Right so about this secret... I'm gay.

This fact hasn't crossed my mind more than a few times since the whole incident with my dad, because like I said, I wanted to forget it. I wanted to try and rid myself of it, actually.

But now it's sort of different, and it has been ever since Phil came along.

Yes, I may kind of like him alright? I've never even wanted to come clean with myself about this, all because of my past.

That's why it suddenly terrified me to death when I caught Phil reading fanfiction about us. I had no idea what I felt about him, or what I even WANTED to feel about him.

After basically rambling to myself for what seemed like ages, I wiped my trembling hands across my tear-stained face, attempting to dry it off but leaving my skin red and blotchy.

It was 11:00. 11 o' fucking clock.

Oh god. Where was he? He's been gone for hours.

I sprinted out the front door, exiting and locking it before running off into the bitter cold air.

I was simply following the path that the street lights created for me. I had no idea where to turn.

Thankfully I realized that Phil brought his phone before he dashed out of my life for the night.

I called him immediately, but I heard nothing but repetitive, unpromising ringing on the other end.

Collapsing onto the pavement, struck by hopelessness, I sobbed my heart out and punched the ground.

"You stupid, selfish, ignorant, fucking cunt. It's all your fault!" I screamed in a whisper at myself.

I had not a single fucking clue where to turn at this point. With that being said, I didn't even have the strength internally to lift myself off of the concrete.

Eventually I passed out. What difference does it make anymore? I lost him. My bestfriend. My everything.

I might as well cease to exist.

*Phil's POV*

~There they were. So brown and beautiful, reflecting the light of the moon as they drew me in closer by the second.

Those flawless, unmistakable brown eyes.

After sparkling once more, they peered downward a bit, the gaze casted to my slightly parted lips.

I couldn't wait an agonizing second longer, so I smashed my lips to his.

A burning sensation made its way to my neck somehow. I wasn't receiving a love bite, was I?

No I couldn't be. He was still kissing me. ~

"AH" I gasped, recovering from my blissful dream... Only to realize it was a rat nipping at my neck.

"Of course" I groaned, before shooing it off me in a panicking frenzy.

My ass was soaking wet, as was the back of my shirt. I was still sat in the filthy cave I managed to escape to.

It was nothing close to beautiful in reality, but it was a safe-haven for me right now.

Hell, anything that isn't Dan's flat would be a more than an acceptable getaway at this point.

Drawing my phone from my pocket before it slipped into the filthy puddle beneath me, I checked it, seeing I had a few missed calls from Dan.

"Pffft" I rolled my eyes as I hissed pathetically.

I wouldn't have even answered if I was awake.

Let him wonder, let him cry, let him not care at all. Whatever.

If I meant anything at all to him, he would probably end up searching for me.

Maybe he already has. I don't know.

Obviously I'm not pleased that it had ended up this way cause well, who wants to fall out with their bestfriend and sit in a toxic, rat-infested cave instead?

No one. Not even me... Even though that was exactly what I was doing.

My phone began to buzz again, and I answered it without even thinking.

"What." Was my blunt, unamused greeting of choice.

"Phil! Oh thank fuck, you're alive. I'm just, i... I don't know what, I'm sorry okay. You have no idea... Um, w-where are you?" Dan stumbled over his words like a drunk over his own feet.

"You want to know where I am Dan? Away from you. Does that help? I hope you're happy" I responded as coldly as humanly possible for me, and ended the call.

He probably just needs my help, needs to use me for something. Screw that, screw him.

I heard a rustling sound to the left of me, not even bothering to look cause it was probably just another swarm of rats.

Let them nip at me again, or eat me alive. I'd rather it end like that than have to deal with the situation at hand.

"Phil?" A voice went, interrupting my hopeless train of thought.

I looked up, only to see the person I dreaded it to be.

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