🍂 Journey to Oasis

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"Jungkook, ahhhh!!" Jimin fell onto Jungkook's sturdy shoulders.

"What happened, Jimin hyung?!" Jungkook asked in a panic, unable to suspect any foul play. Jimin, struggling to stand, gestured urgently towards the exit. Jungkook, sensing the urgency, carried him in that direction.

" Tell me... what happened??!"

"I don't... know... I'm feeling drowsy because... didn't have breakfast... take me back.... I'm hungry..." Jimin explained in muffled words. Jungkook turned to go inside the mansion to get some water first.

"Have something to drink," Kookie suggested, but Jimin patted Jungkook's back and pointed urgently towards the exit.

Sensing something off with Markov approaching, Jungkook walked towards the exit, seemingly ignoring Markov. Anger radiated from Jungkook's hot and sweaty hands. Jimin felt the burning heat but refrained from causing a scene until they were out of the mansion gate.

"Drop me down... please..." Jimin whined, gathering all his strength. Unable to bear the heat radiating from Jungkook's  body.

"Why? What happened?!" Kookie dropped him on the lawn at the resort entrance.

"I'm sleepy...!!" Jimin uttered his last words before drifting off into a deep sleep on lawn.

When Jimin slowly opened his eyes, he found himself in a car.. travelling, noticing an IV cannula in his hand. Understanding what might have happened, he braced himself for the impending furious questions from the person sitting beside him and the restless man who is driving fast.

Yoongi initiated the questions, "Just tell the truth... what happened there?!"

"Don't lie again... I know you had breakfast even before I got up..." Kookie added sternly while driving the car.. The archaeological  team are going in convoy towards north.

"Nothing much... just felt drained," Jimin replied hesitantly trying to sit back...

"Jiminah!!! I know you're dodging conflicts, but you gotta hear this. Appa stormed into the mansion all furious to deal with Markov and his gang. It turned into a whole mess. Markov came down and said sorry for his crew. It's not a joke anymore... spill the beans on what went down. It could've blown up our whole expedition... luckily, Markov caught papa's concern for you.... and apologised" Kookie shared, laying out the details of what happened while Jimin was under Yoongi's team's care.

"See, Jimin... It's started – the silent conflict and cold war between us and Markov's men. But we're in his place for his work, surrounded by his men all the time. I know how to handle things subtly until we finish our work and go back... I can be subtly... but only if I know that you are safe..... Tell me the truth so I can be careful next time," Yoongi stated.

"Yeah, the way you got scared looking at Markov's men... they had something to do with your sudden drowsiness," Jungkook added.

"Someone spiked my drink..." Jimin hesitantly said.

"But they said you didn't even have water from them... how is it possible?" Yoongi asked.

"The iced tea I had... the one you gave... someone spiked it," Jimin revealed.

"I knew it!!!  Those bastards!! Kookie...???  do you still want to continue with this excavation?!" Yoongi asked.

"Appa...???!! Please... this won't happen again," Jungkook pleaded.

"Hyung!!! We are halfway into this endeavor... we've done so much groundwork for this excavation project... please don't spoil everything for this silly thing... please, hyung," Jimin also begged.

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