🍃Minty Tae

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What spy told about Taehyung is true, he is a bird by birth. His parents abandoned him, after seeing the small wings on his back for some seconds, when he was just a child.

Back then a wing is considered simply as a curse. He was found and brought up by Yoongi's father who was a gardener in the castle. After he passed away, Yoongi is the only guardian of Tae. He treated Yoongi like his elder brother. Ji Min knew Yoongi through Tae.

Ji Min is a deviant princess , he likes to spend time in the garden mud more than his silk bed. On the whole he is a different in many ways. From his birth he also showed the mild signs of split personality, back then they don't know the real reasons for his mood swings.

People close to Ji min called him a smart yet a moody baby. Only Tae can have him under control, Ji Min got attached to Tae at their first meeting when they are just eeight years old.

Before meeting Tae, Ji min who looks all innocent and naive princess was a cute little sadist. They met when Ji Min deliberately let out his pet owl to eat Taehyung's chicken just to tease the poor boy.

Tae cried and begged Ji min to cage his bird before it could eat Tae's pet bunny

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Tae cried and begged Ji min to cage his bird before it could eat Tae's pet bunny. Ji Min caged his owl only to have Tae as his friend, because Ji Min liked Tae very much at the very first time.

Now only Tae and Yoongi can control Ji Min, but that's only to certain extent. Ji Min is a bold and independent person who listens to no one when he made up his mind. Yoongi's love is the only thing keeping him sane.

* warning..

Jimin's character in ancient time is a unpredictable character,he is kinda shady person , he have his reasons for that. If you have problem with Jimin's character or if you find it offensive just stop reading the story, please don't leave hate comments .

In welcome event...

Jimin and Tae were chilling in the garden while Markov and Vlad were talking about them. Jimin noticed Markov, a tall, broad and charismatic young man who stood out amoung the small Korean men even though he dressed in hanbok.

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