24 | running away

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♫ Music Playing ♫
Take A Chance With Me

"So you delayed signing the contract?" Ashley asked Roseanne who was fixing her clothes in the luggage.

"Yeah, I did. I'm signing the contract when I come back. I think I need months for that and they respect my decision."

"You have all of my support, babe. Your parents calling off your wedding in the media due to mental issues won't do any good to you right now. I think you should leave Australia and rest from the media." Ashley said helping her best friend to put her stuff on the other luggage.

"They don't have an option if they wouldn't do that Chairwoman Kim will make it look like there's a third party in our relationship and it's Lisa. You know isn't it true we only saw each other due to coincidence." Roseanne said sitting on her bed thinking how her parents said to her that Chairwoman Kim wanted to make it look like she is cheating on Jisoo in the media.

"I know you would never cheat on Jisoo." Ashley gave Roseanne a comforting smile, "We both know how much you loved her too. And for whatever reason you have why you called off the wedding I understand it, Rosie."

"Thank you, Ash. You know I am grateful to have you as my best friend. But please do me a favor and visit me in Maldives?" Roseanne said continuing to put her stuff in the luggage.

"Sure my love I would love that. But first, make me finish all my schedules here before I go there." Ashley crossed her legs and gave Roseanne a wink.

"Of course." Roseanne agreed slapping Ashley's thighs.

Ashley for a minute had something on her thoughts and Roseanne raised her eyebrows at her.

"What is it?" Roseanne asked making Ashley look at her. "Looking at your face it seems like you want to ask something."

"Well - Do you think Jisoo will still remember you?" Ashley asked trying to read Roseanne's face.

Roseanne looks at the luggage in thought, "I'm not sure. But I want her to forget me permanently."

"Why?" Ashley asked, concerned.

"Because after her accident I felt so guilty for not accepting her for who she is. And if she remembers that it would be a nightmare for Jisoo and she doesn't deserve that, Ash." Roseanne explained looking at her best friend with sadness in her eyes.

"I may not know what you mean about it. But I hope you forgive yourself for it." Ashley leaned down to give Roseanne a comforting hug.

"I don't think that's gonna be easy for me, Ash. Jisoo almost lost her life because of me. I would never forgive myself for that. Ever." Roseanne said leaning her chin on Ashley's shoulder as she couldn't stop her tears from falling down her cheeks, "My rivalry in my singing career put Jisoo's life in danger and the pain in her eyes when I knew about her condition made me a very cruel person. So I will never forgive myself, Ash."

Ashley rubs Roseanne's back soothingly. Comforting and supporting her best friend is the only thing she can do to help her feel at ease.

"I'm always here for you, Rosie. You know I'm one call away right?" Ashley said to Roseanne who kept crying on her shoulder.

Roseanne nodded her head trying to wipe her tears away but to no avail her tears wouldn't stop falling to her cheeks. Instead of wiping it away, she let it keep falling.

"I'll just finish my work here and I'll follow you. We know we both deserve to chill and enjoy the scenery of the beach." Ashley said keep caressing Roseanne's.

The One That Got Away | JENSOO [18+]Where stories live. Discover now