10 | bumping to your past

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Glimpse Of Us by Joji

Roseanne is at Felix for Goodness Cafe talking to her best friend, Ashley Choi.

"So, when is your wedding?" Ashley asks Roseanne who is spacing out. "Rosie?" she called out for her best friend again.

"Huh?" Roseanne answered surprised.

"I said, when is your wedding date?" Ashley asks again, sipping on her coffee.

"We don't have the exact date but it will be next year since Jisoo has many contracts to do this year," Roseanne answered, tasting a piece of chocolate cake on her fork.

"Such a busy fiancee you have there. Are you gonna be okay with it?" Ashley put her cup of coffee on the table tracing it with her finger.

"Why shouldn't I be?" Roseanne asks Ashley raising her eyebrows, "My parents have been like that since I was a toddler. It's not new to me." she explained.

"That's what I'm saying if you want to have kids should it be changed?" Ashley said looking at her best friend with narrowed eyes. "Having a family is one of your dreams. Raise your kid by you and your wife. If you married her you know it's gonna be difficult."

"So- what are you saying then?"

"Nothing. I'm just reminding you of our talk when we were teenagers." Ashley said defensively.

It's not that Ashley doesn't like Jisoo for her best friend. Jisoo is a businesswoman and very well known she's an ideal woman but she doesn't think she's the dream wife of her best friend It's more like her ex-girlfriend, Lisa. But she hates Lisa for cheating on her best friend even if it's just an accident.

"Honestly, this arranged marriage is not a good idea," Ashley said finally making her point to this talk.

"I think it's a perfect idea." Roseanne looks at her best friend's eyes with a piercing eye.

"No, it's not. You're just using this arranged marriage to forget about her."

"No, I'm not. I already moved on."

"You know you're not a good liar, Rosie."

"Stop it, Ash. I already moved on. I let her go the moment I knew she cheated on me." Roseanne said not looking at her best friend's eyes afraid she might get caught lying.

"See. You're not a good liar." Ashley said pointing a finger at Roseanne, "You're not even looking at me in my eye."

Roseanne looks at Ashley's eyes trying to make a straight look with no emotion.

"I'm your best friend, Rosie. I know when you're lying and when you're telling the truth." Ashley said smiling to her best friend. Roseanne can never lie to her she knows her like they are twin sisters.

"I'm not using Jisoo to move on with Lisa. I have feelings for Jisoo but not in the same way I have feelings for Lisa. Their different women and different lives." Roseanne explained so her best friend stopped initiating this talk. "If I move on or not I'm not using Jisoo at all. And Lisa is in the past I don't care about her anymore who she is with or what she does!"

"What if you bump into Lisa like right now?"

Roseanne laughs at her best friend, "That's impossible. We're in Australia and she's- I don't know where she is but it's impossible."

"I think it's possible since she's already on her way here," Ashley said looking at the tall blonde woman walking in their direction.

"WHAT!" Roseanne looked behind her to see her ex-girlfriend walking in her direction.

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