7. Biskuit

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I stood there for a moment in front of his door, trying to calm down. I wiped my tears away and let out a shaky breath. I hope I wasn't looking too much like I've been crying. I didn't need Jhope to annoy me about all of this too.

I froze slightly as I heard the door open behind me. I clenched my jaw in frustration. Can't he just leave me alone? I took a step forward, wanting to get away as soon as possible, but was stopped with a hand on my shoulder. I quickly shook it off, grimacing in anger and disgust.

I turned around and glared at him but before I could snap at him, asking him to not touch me, he already started talking. "What camera's?" he asked in confusion, his gaze jumping from my left eye to my right and back.

I felt as if my eye was already twitching out of anger. How dumb does he think I am? How many times could he use this 'don't know what you're talking about' thing?

I took in a deep breath to stop myself from yelling at him right away. "The camera's that you sick bastard installed in my apartment. Yesterday. Probably after you knocked me out." I said calmly, explaining it for dummies.

The frown on his face deepened as he took a step forward "Did you find any camera's?" he asked. He sounded almost worried, if I wouldn't know that it was only an act. I rolled my eyes at him. How can a single human being make someone as angry as he was making me at the moment? Does he truly enjoy that?

"Stop playing fucking dumb. Try finding a new excuse or whatever but this one is getting boring. Or is it maybe that you actually aren't just acting dumb but you actually are?!" I asked, staring at him unamused.

He stared at me for a moment before he sighed and shook his head. His gaze turned serious again as he decided to just ignore my comment "Y/N.. did you find any camera's in your apartment? Was anyone there after I left?" he asked me, sounding almost genuinely concerned. Stop falling for his dumb tricks.

"I don't need to find your camera's to know that you are watching me." I snapped, crossing my arms in front of my chest. I didn't know if I was more sad, angry or just annoyed. Whatever it was, at least I had stopped crying in front of him.

The raven haired man groaned frustrated and massaged his temples. "Just tell me if you found any fucking cameras in your damn apartment." he said, his voice calm but demanding. I stared at him in silence, trying to figure out what he was trying to achieve with that behavior. Why does he keep on asking me that?

What would it change? If I told him that I haven't found his cameras, would he even admit that he had placed them? If he would admit it, he would do so probably only to make fun of me. Why was it so important for him to know if I found them or not? What if I lied and tell him that I did found them? Would he remove them then?

I bit my lip nervously as I stared into his chocolate brown eyes, staring right back at me. The look in his eyes was soft, careful. There wasn't a single sign in his eyes that he was going to mock me, but this didn't have to mean anything. I didn't knew him for long but I have already learned how good he was in hiding his expressions, his real intentions behind his gazes.

I wanted to say that I did find them, but what if he demands a proof and asks me where I found them? I wouldn't have an answer for that, I could only guess and then he would know I was lying.

I stayed quiet while he just kept on staring at me, waiting for me to answer. What should I say? What would be the right answer? Yes or no?

I let out a small sigh before I glanced away. "No.." I admitted in a small voice, not trusting him to just believe me like that if I said yes. I heard him sigh in relief and looked back up at him, confused. The relieved gaze on his face quickly turned back into a frown. "Then why would you think that I placed camera's there?!" he asked, confused.

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