1. Magic shop

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"Y/N sweetie! Can you do me a favor and close the shop up tonight again?" I heard my boss, Mr. Magic, call out as he stepped out of his office.

I was brooming the floor as he made his way up to me. An apologetic look was in his warm brown eyes as he glanced down on the pile of dirt on the floor.

I stopped sweeping the floor, pressing the broom against it as I leaned slightly on it, tired due all the overwork from the last few weeks.

I nodded as I forced a smile on my face "Sure, don't worry.." I said to which his eyes softened in relief "You're an angel! I promise in a few weeks everything is going to be normal again!".

A bright smile made it's way onto his thin lip's, his eyes almost closed, making the wrinkles on the sides of his eyes pop out more. Mr. Magic was a gentle and kind old man. He was tall and skinny. Not the fragile type of skinny, more the he takes good care of his health without needing to work out type of skinny. His white hair and the wrinkles on his face were the only proof that this man was indeed in his late 60's.

I gave him another little smile and a nod of my head before he made his way back into the small office at the back of the shop. I let out a tired sigh as I glanced towards the clock on the wall above the check out. 5 pm, two more hours to go.

To say that I was tired was an understatement. The last month was like hell. I was always the one who opened the shop at 9 am and closed it at 7 pm. I could be glad if I still had one day off in a week, expect for sunday's of course since his shop is always closed on that day.

I shifted my gaze back on the floor as I continued brooming it, sweeping the pile of dirt to the front of the shop to let it join with another pile.

It was just a small shop, nothing out of the ordinary. The shop was called 'Magic shop's of course after the surename of his family, but it had a nice sound to it. He had told me about how his grandparents came to Korea when they were young, with a dream in their minds. About how difficult it was for them to build something out of the blue, making this shop bloom and survive.

Just like back then, the shop stayed true to it's roots, selling pretty decorations for everyone who wants to spice up their house a bit. From statues, to old pictures, from handmade vases to just some fake flowers. It wasn't very spacious but we had some pretty cool things in here.

When I first started working here it almost felt like I was in a time machine. The shop itself had a vintage design since it never changed throughout the years. In his young years, Mr. Magic had renovated the place a little, making sure that it wouldn't crumble down, but he made sure that everything stayed the same. Only the office and restroom got a more modern look through the renovation, but the shop itself as well as the exterior of the building hasn't changed from it's looks.

The shop was passed down to his father and years later to him. And now was the time to pass it down to the next generation. Well, more like the generation after the next. He had told me that his son wasn't really interested into this business and choose something else for him. Mr. Magic accepted it and took care of the shop together with his wife until she sadly passed away.

He tried to handle the family business by himself, since he wanted his son to fulfill his dreams and his grandchildren were still too young to even be considered them to take over the store.

Soon he realized it was too much for him alone that's why he searched for an employee, even thought he wanted it to stay in the family. I wasn't the first one who worked for him, apperantly before me there was a girl who worked here part time while she studied in college nearby. After she graduated she searched for a better paid job.

That's how I landed here.

I took the dustpan from under the cash desk and started to sweep the pile onte the shovel. I glanced back to the door of the office as it flung open and stood up, throwing the dirt into the trashbin before I placed the dustpan back into it's place.

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