4. Allies

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I felt my heartbeat increase as I stared at the stranger that just walked in. He was staring right back at me, not looking even one but interested in the items were selling. I gulped and took a step back until my back hit the wall. Who was that? Was it the same person staring at me this morning? Was he one of the thief's allies? Why is he in here? What does he want from me? Is stalking me from afar getting too boring?

I could only see the eyes from underneath his bucket hat, staring right back at me. He was still wearing his face mask, hiding the other half of his face too. All I could say was that this weren't the eyes from the thief. Why was he looking at me so intensely though? It could only be one of the thieves allies. Who else would just stand in front of the shop, staring until he coming inside only to continue staring at the staff.

I gulp slightly as he took a slow step forward, his eyes never leaving mine. Is he here to kill me after all? Did the thief send him to finish up his job? But why would he do it here when he could have killed me silently without someone knowing in my apartment? Maybe he liked the attention. Maybe he wanted it that way. Maybe he wanted someone to know that my death wouldn't have been an accident.

This could explain why he hasn't killed me yesterday. He wanted witnesses of his doings. But why would he send someone else to finish me off instead of doing it himself? Maybe he was still the reasonable from the allies and the other was even more psycho? Another possibility was that he wanted to steal even more. The cash from the shop, maybe? That would be the only valuable thing here but even that is not much. We sell deco. Dummies. Not real antiques. So either he was really dumb or he really just came for me.

His steps were slow, almost careful as if he was ready for me to run away. I gulped as I watched him tilt his head slightly at me. I glanced at the tool box underneath the cash register, slowly reaching out for it so he wouldn't notice my movement. I held the eye contact as I started rummaging in it, trying to find something I could use as a weapong. I will not let myself get into this situation again.

I had to be quiet too. I needed to take care of this without Mr. Magic noticing. He would only be in danger too. Maybe this guy thinks I'm alone in here so he won't harm him after he's done with me. As the stranger reached the counter he eyed me for a second. He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly, almost mockingly. I could feel a pair of scissors in the box, grabbed it and held it behind my back, out of his sight.

"Hello.." the stranger said curiously, his eyes never leaving mine. His voice was deep. Not the smooth deep like the thief's, it was more a dirtier deep. It send an uncomfortable shiver down my spine. What did I do to make these creeps come after me?

The stranger walked around the counter. He walked towards the gap between the counter to enter and escape, blocking my way as he stood right in front of it, looking at me. This couldn't be just a customer. I clutched the scissors in my hand, scared. What would he do? Would he kill me here and now?

"What do you want from me? W-who send you? Was it.. was it him?!" I stuttered out, trying to sound more confident than I actually was. He tilted his head to the side again before he let out a low laugh. He sounded amused, probably mocking me. "Is this how you would greet a customer?" he chuckled, his crinkled eyes showing that he was still smiling underneath his mask. I squinted eyes at him, scoffing "I know that you are not a customer." I snapped.

He raised an eyebrow at me, surprised. "So you know who I am?" he asked making me scoff again "Do you think I'm dumb?!". The guy stared at me, frowning. "Well, I must say I certainly expected something different when he told me about you.." he said, eyeing me again. I gulped down the lump in my throat and tried to stay calm, hoping he wouldn't sense how frightened I actually was. So he really was sent by him.

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