Y/n, although slightly caught off guard by the compliment, thanked him with a nod and a smile.

As Y/n caught her breath after finishing the set of squats, Kumi, still seated on the ground, couldn't help but express her admiration. "Y/n seriously, your figure is goals! All that hard work at the gym is paying off." Kumi praised, her eyes filled with genuine admiration for her friend's dedication to fitness.

YIn, grateful for the encouragement, grinned and playfully nudged Kumi.

Shidou joined in with a nod. "Absolutely, Kumi's right, your figure is on point, it's clear you've been putting in the work," he added.

While Shidou was engaging in friendly banter with Y/n and Kumi, Rin, who had been focused on his own workout, couldn't help but notice the distraction.

With a hint of irritation, he raised his voice, calling out to Shidou, "Hey, Shidou! Quit chatting and get back here for the next set of exercises."

Shidou, realizing he needed to refocus, chuckled and waved at the girls before returning to his workout area.

As Shidou returned to his workout area, he couldn't resist adding a playful tease directed at Rin. "Rin, my man, got a bit jealous there, huh? It's just friendly banter," Shidou quipped, a mischievous grin playing on his face.

Rin simply rolled his eyes and continued with his exercises.

As the girls finished their workout, they observed the boys still deep in their workout, Y/n and Kumi shared a glance, and a mischievous smile played on their faces. Feeling a sense of camaraderie, they decided to approach the guys who seemed to be suffering through their exercises.

With a mix of empathy and teasing, Kumi said, "Need a hand, gentlemen? or perhaps some motivation? we finished our set already, so we thought we'd check on the poor souls still at it."

Seeing the opportunity for some good-natured banter, Reo approached Kumi with a grin.

"Kumi, mind lending me some of that motivation? I could use a boost to get through the rest of these sets," he said, his tone playful.

Kumi, caught off guard but flattered, blushed slightly at the unexpected request. "Sure, Reo, let's power through this together," she replied, accepting the role of motivator.

With Kumi now occupied with motivating Reo, Nagi seized the opportunity to stand beside Y/n, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Hey Y/n, want to witness a pull up masterclass? I'lI show you how it's done," he declared, flexing his muscles with a confident grin.

Y/n, amused by Nagi's enthusiasm, laughed and agreed, "Sure Nagi, impress me with those pull ups."

Nagi, determined to impress, embarked on his pull up showcase.

However, as he reached the 26th pull-up, fatigue took its toll, and he found himself unable to continue. Gasping for breath, he reluctantly admitted defeat, lowering himself to the ground.

YIn, teasingly, couldn't resist poking fun at his earlier ambitious claim. "Looks like someone overestimated their pull up prowess, you said you'd do like 35, Nagi," she teased, a playful smirk on her face.

Rin, noticing Nagi's partial defeat, with a smirk, he approached the duo. "Nagi, I expected better. Y/n, did you witness this performance?" he laughed, making fun at Nagi.

Nagi, not one to back down, challenged Rin with a determined glint in his eyes. "Alright, Rin, let's see you make 35 pull ups then," he retorted, inviting Rin to prove his own strength.

With a confident grin, Rin accepted Nagi's challenge. "35 pull ups? Piece of cake," he declared, ready to showcase his strength.

The challenge provided the perfect opportunity to impress Y/n, who observed the unfolding exchange with amusement.

Rin powered through the pull ups with impressive ease, reaching the target of 35 effortlessly. Y/n, genuinely impressed, couldn't help but express her amazement. "Wow Rin, that was incredible! I've never been able to do even one pull up," she admitted, a hint of admiration in her voice.

Rin, catching his breath, smirked playfully. "Maybe I should give you some pointers sometime, it's all about technique," .

Intrigued by the idea of learning from Rin, Y/n decided to take him up on the offer. "Alright, teach me the secrets of the perfect pull up, Rin," she playfully responded, a determined glint in her eyes.

Rin patiently guided Y/n through the pull up techniques, offering tips and encouragement. As Y/n attempted the exercise, she managed to complete three in a row, however, on the fourth attempt, Y/n found herself struggling to lift herself up.

Quick to lend a helping hand, Rin positioned himself behind her and gently placed his hands on the sides of her hips, providing the support she needed to complete the pull up.

Feeling Rin's hands on her hips for support, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sudden warmth spreading across her cheeks.

"Thanks, Rin," she said, her voice carrying a hint of bashfulness.

As Y/n caught her breath after the pull up attempts, Rin, ever observant, noticed the beads of sweat forming on her forehead. With a gentle and caring gesture, he reached out and wiped away the perspiration with his thumb.

"You did a great job Y/n, it's all part of the workout," he complimented, his tone encouraging and supportive.

In the midst of the quiet moment between Y/n and Rin, their eyes locked in a subtle exchange, Nagi decided to interject.

"Hey, lovebirds, I'm still here, you know?"

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