A cure

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After the celebration and into the following few weeks of normal life, people gradually started to warm up to Elara. The Apollo cabin began to help (Y/N)s quest for a cure, pouring days upon end for results. In the meantime, she became quite well acquainted with some of the older campers and the younger ones took a liking to her. The younger demi-gods enjoyed her stories from travelling the nation, and even Annabeth would listen in when she talked about the monuments she'd seen. She would occasionally help out in training, a perspective from the eyes of the monsters demi-gods would be facing was a welcome practice. Even Dionysus took a liking to her when she displayed skills in pinochle, which were frustratingly better than (Y/N)s. Luke still seemed a little off, but when (Y/N) did conduct a check up on him, nothing appeared to be wrong. He would still keep a close eye on him though. Percy seemed to have truly settled into cabin three, accepting his position as the son of Poseidon and beginning to train his water-powers and combat abilities. Elara and (Y/N) weren't really sure what they were, but sharing a house and bed meant they were something. Because of that, the son of Asclepius put more work into finding a cure for her curse than was healthy, but Annabeth kept him tied to reality when he got a little too deep into it. One particular day though after thirteen plus hours cooped up in his lab, he had a revelation. Percy had found a sunken boat a few days ago from the civil war that was full of precious cargo, ranging from jewellery to a mysterious crate of į̵̭̎̈́̕m̶̺͛̐̚p̸̢̉̏ȩ̵͠r̶̭͕̼̿͂̑i̴̤̓̆a̸͇͓̓l̵͉̀ g̶͕̖̾o̸̜̥̙͂͗̊ḽ̵͋̾͘d̴̹͓̜́̌̀ weapons, which Chiron quickly confiscated upon sight. Something that caught (Y/N)s eye though was a box of glass vials, all filled with an identical black liquid. It was thick and gooey, smelled a little like oil. At first he was unsure of what to do with it, but further research proved it may help him in a cure for Elara. Back to his unhealthy work habits, he had discovered it was like an anti-power liquid, whatever it coated lost its godly abilities. A drop of it on Riptide left the blade as just a normal pen, and a thin coating on Annabeth's dagger rendered it unable to harm monsters. Sharing this knowledge to the Apollo cabin, they began work on extracting its abilities for the remedy. 

Now alone in his place of work, (Y/N) had done it. Sure, he had to miss the start of the fireworks for independence day, but that show literally went on for hours. Cure in one hand and rod in the other, he merrily strutted to the beach, finding Elara surrounded by the younger demi-gods, some humorously playing with her tail. (Y/N) had hoped she'd be accepted by camp, but this was more than he could have asked for. Sneaking up on her as to not draw attention to what was in his hand, he gently tapped her shoulder, gesturing to go to a more private place. Behind the shadows of a tree, he revealed the cure to her. It shone a brilliant gold, dyed of course by (Y/N) for that special effect. At the sight of it, Elara gasped and took it in her hands. 

"Well, this is it. Take this and you'll be able to live normally. No decaying organs or godly curses."

 The dracaena began to tear up, something (Y/N) hadn't seen from her before. She muttered something in a language he couldn't quite understand but was clearly a good thing because she popped the lid off and took the concoction like a shot. It shone so brightly that it could be seen entering the dracaena's blood stream, every one of her veins, capillaries, arteries and organs beginning to glow a magnificent gold. The sight was beautiful, a testament to the design of Prometheus. In a matter of seconds, the glow faded away and Elara was left standing there. Whilst she didn't seem to be changed at first, her natural aura had changed. She radiated life like all other living creatures now, more so than her brethren did. Tears still flowed down her cheeks, and (Y/N) offered her a tissue. Graciously accepting it and wiping away the salty fluids, Elara looked down at herself, clearly pleased with the outcome. of (Y/N)s work. 

"I can never repay you, (Y/N). You have ssssssshown me kindnessssss I thought wasssssssss unattainable in thissssss world. I will forever be in your debt." 

"Aww, don't worry about it. If you want, you could pay me back with, hmm, perhaps a kiss?"

The dracaena leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. It was one just like the first she gave, cold yet warming and seemed to last an eternity. Breaking the intimacy, she moved back and grabbed his arm, pulling him back in the direction of the beach.

The two arrived back at the beach and joined Annabeth and Percy who were spreading a picnic blanket. Seriously, Athena was going to use his skeleton as a model in one of her universities, and would probably find a way to keep him alive through it. Greeting the pair, Grover suddenly showed up to say good-bye for his search for Pan. He was dressed in his usual jeans and T-shirt and sneakers,but in the last few weeks he'd started to look older, almost high-school age.His goatee had gotten thicker. He'd put on weight. His horns had grown at least an inch, so he now had to wear his rasta cap all the time to pass as human. In all honesty, (Y/N) believed the satyr to be destined for great things. He truly was something else. 

"I'm off," he said. "I just came to say...well, you know." 

Percy was clearly struggling with a good-bye. The two had been friends for around a year now, and if Percy was anything like most the demi-gods (Y/N) knew over the years, the son of Poseidon's protector would have been his only friend. Annabeth gave him a hug, she had a good bond with the satyr since bringing her to camp. She told him to keep his fake feet on. Percy asked him where he was going to search first.

"Kind of a secret," he said, looking embarrassed. "I wish you could come with me, guys, but humans and Pan..."

"We understand," Annabeth said. "You got enough tin cans for the trip?"

"Yeah.""And you remembered your reed pipes?"

"Jeez, Annabeth," he grumbled. "You're like an old mama goat."

But he didn't really sound annoyed.He gripped his walking stick and slung a backpack over his shoulder. He looked like any hitchhiker you might see on an old Arcadian mountain walk, completing some sort of pilgrimage. 

"Y'know Grover, I might actually have something for you," 

Rummaging through his seemingly infinitely deep pockets, he produced a faded green bottle. Handing it to the satyr, he continued, "One of my more older creations, but a good one none the less. Take a small swig and imagine someone close to you. It allows you to create an empathy link with the target, but I imagine you know the drawbacks of that." 

Accepting the bottle, Grover responded, "Thanks a lot (Y/N), for everything, standing up for me when I messed up on my first assignment and this now." 

"Don't mention it, it's my job," he said, smiling. 

"Well," Grover said, "wish me luck."

He gave Annabeth another hug and clapped Percy on the shoulder, then headed back through the dunes.Fireworks exploded to life overhead: Hercules killing the Nemean lion,Artemis chasing the boar, George Washington (who, by the way, was a son of Athena) crossing the Delaware. 

"Hey, Grover," Percy called. He turned at the edge of the woods. "Wherever you're going—I hope they make good enchiladas."

Grover grinned, and then he was gone, the trees closing around him.

"We'll see him again," Annabeth said. (Y/N) hoped the satyr was prepared for his quest, Percy too worried for his friend. The fact no satyr had ever returned from the search was a depressing fact. An hour or so later, the fireworks ended and everyone returned to their cabins for rest. When (Y/N) got back to his cabin with Elara though, something just felt off. Checking everything, nothing seemed to be out of place, all of his stuff perfectly lined up and neatly ordered. That was until the smell of oil hit his nose. Panicked, (Y/N) rushed to his storage of what he now called anti-mythology toxins. A wooden chest hidden in the back of a cabinet was pulled from its spot, flung open and its contents revealed. Five rows by five rows, with two missing. Two. One for Elara, but two? This wan't good.

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