Where I've been+plans(A/N)

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Okay, I feel as though this is a much needed thing. I've been gone for just under a year, and so now I'm explaining.

I absolutely love this fic, and I'm sorry I disappeared for so very long. I want it to be known I never ever intended to abandon this, I just want to make that clear.

I was not in a good place mentally, I experienced something which caused my mental health to dip massively, and I'm still recovering to this day. I'm not going to go into detail about what happened to me, it was very traumatic for me though and I have been attending therapy since it happened.
Continuing writing the fic wouldn't have helped me, I saw writing as a coping mechanism yet I couldn't bring myself to write anything big like this fic or else I'd just sprial and worry what I was writing wasn't good. I tried writing several longer bits but I ended up deleting every single one out of fear. The things I tended to write were what I was feeling and scared of due to it.
I'm not going into anymore detail than this because I feel like it isn't needed.

Now, the plans for this fic. I'm going to rewrite it. I believe I've improved massively as a writer, and I don't write in 1st person as much anymore, so continuing to write in 1st person would just be a bit weird, although if the scene fits or needs it or anything then I will, but I write in 3rd person more now and so that's important to note. I re read this fic a few times, and there's definitely scenes I can improve on, and I want to improve on. I'm hoping in the rewrite to release the first chapters I've already released here closer together, so I can get to this point quicker, and after that aim for one chapter a month, maybe more maybe less, it will depend. But that's the plan.

Some of the plot has also changed, not massively, but a few things to make the story cleaner and more tied together.

The first chapter of the rewrite is up already.

Thank you all again, and I'll see you in the rewrite!

(Also note: This version of the fic will stay up, almost like an archive!)


!!BEING REWRITTEN!!My brain, body, and bones are trueOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz