Joyful confusion

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TW//Mention of d3ath and all that stuff. I'm getting a slight bit tired of writing this every time so I think people should know this is like a general warning and I'll only give a tw if it's something we've not had or won't be common now!

I flew over to Chromia as soon as Scott logged on. I'd been AFK at my gold farm in order to not look suspicious to Jimmy or anyone else that logged on for staying on that long.

It took about six hours for him to log on like seriously Scott-

But I immediately left that position as soon as I saw him join, stretching my wings and muscles from them being still so long before leaving and traveling through Scott's portal, shrinking to fit through.


"Joel!! You scared me. Jesus."

"Sorry Scott but I need to talk to you."

"Okay. Why me specifically?"

"Because you've basically became the person to go to about me and Jimmy."

"Ah. I see now. So what happened this time?"

"Basically Jimmy came and talked to me and we're friends now I guess?"

"I- Okay what and when-"

"Ok at one point me and Jimmy were the only ones online and then we spoke and he apologised. He didn't have his gun on him and I said I forgave him and then now we're friends. Oh and we pranked Fwhip."

The Scottsman sighed. "I'm too ill to deal with whatever the hell this is but just keep an eye on him yeah? Now you're friends he might start socialing again. But now can I please get back to my llamas? I'm ill and my best friends are the best cure."

I only now picked up on the fact his voice was slighlty deeper than normal, and he sounded a lot more drained then usual too.

"Sure. Sorry to bother you then. But hope you get better soon."

"Thanks. Honestly this is just annoying now."

I gave him an apologetic smile then flew off back to Stratos.

I landed and thought over the events of the day. I know that False and Scott went around to warn people to be careful around Jimmy.

And I know that he was probably isolating himself from what Scott said after he well- shot me.

It's weird to think that that happened a few weeks ago now. It seems a lot more recent than that.

I was confused, to say the least. I didn't expect the confrontation, and even if I did I wouldn't of expected it to go like that. I'm glad it did though.

We've worked things out and thats that.

I don't it'll be the exact same, that's for sure. I'll be calling him a toy a lot less. Actually probably not at all. I don't want a repeat of that.

Jimmy was always so calm and sure he'd yell back but he'd always keep his cool and rarely engage in conflict. He was easy to tease and I thought he'd understand that it was just a joke.

So seeing him lash out and his eyes go fucking green for some reason, it was shocking, to say the least.

I was confused throughout the period of not speaking to Jimmy, and even more so when we established he was possessed by something.

And I was further confused at the events of today, at how we'd gone from not even seeing one another to basically best friends in little under an hour.

It was confusing sure, but I'm happy about it.

Jimmy may prove to be a good ally, he was just an easy target for my teasing and I never expected him to have me this confused.

I know we're friends now, and I really am glad. I don't think having enemies is too good for me, even if I am tall and sexy and strong and 11 feet tall because I'm a God-

But he somehow managed to kill me. Me. A god. God's have more health and more resistance than regular players, but not many people know that. So what the hell did he have in that gun to render me useless and not be able to escape.

I think it was the eyes. As soon as his eyes turned green I froze. Because I knew that wasn't Jimmy, but I didn't know who it was.

This man is gonna be the death of me. He already had been once, what's to say he won't be again.

Still. We're friends now and we've settled our differences.

I sighed contently and stretched my wings, preparing to fly. I gave them one last flap before launching into the air, gliding softly through the small breeze in the air.

I smiled as I flew the short distance to see the great bridge with the branch for each empire, only a few now remaining empty.

I looked between the builds, the llama from Chromia, my floating island, the Tumble Town water tower, the airship for Cogsmeade, the sword of Sanctuary, and the other rather small but beautiful builds, except for Pirate Joe's parrot of course which was bigger than any other outpost but we don't need to talk about that.

However I stopped when I saw something in the cliff. Something new. Something purple. It doesn't look safe but it does look mystical. Great, another thing to confuse me.

I landed just next to it, eyeing the rails which seemed to be leading directly into whatever the hell it was. I find it hard to believe that they weren't placed by someone else but you never know.

Should I send something in? Probably not. I don't know what this is. But at the same time, I'm a God and there's nobody here to stop me.

So I did what any logical person would, and threw in the remaining sherrif toys from my enderchest before Jimmy realized I had some left.

And as soon as the slightest bit of fabric touched the mystery purple crack, the toy disappeared. Well that's one way to dispose of something I guess.

I feel wrong calling it a crack. It has a sort of portal feel to it. But not a portal we can go through, or know where it leads. A rift sounds about right I guess.

I shook my head and flew up again, deciding to ignore rhe mystery rift and continue on my journey to visit Tumble Town.

If me and Jimmy are friends now I feel like leaving up the pranks I gave him won't really be good for me. Also I don't want to get shot again so this probably gives me bonus points being on his good side.


Apologies if this chapter seems rushed! Especially the ending. I struggled a bit with this chapter for some reason so-

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