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"You sure about that Jimmy? I mean we did that lore potion and you were really short."

"Yes I'm sure Joel. I think I'd know if I was a toy."

"Sure. Anyway I have to go. Goodbye Timmy the Toy!!"

"OI!" I called to the man that had flown away before sighing.

"All I want is respect from him. What's so hard about that?!"

Sure he may be 11ft tall and a god but still. If he's a god surely he should know what respect is. So why can't he respect me?

It's not only him though. It's everyone on the goddamn server. Every last one.

Except maybe the bard. All I know about him though is that he just sorta appeared one day and stole something? I'm not too sure. But if he stole then clearly he doesn't respect the law.

I walked to my board with everyone who respects the law listed on it. I looked across the names. But I'm questioning who really respects me.

Because everyone is playing into this whole me being a toy thing and it's not on.

Fwhip was my deputy then got fired. Joel just pushes my buttons. Lizzie leans into it. Pix does. Scott does. Sausage does. Shelby, Katherine, Gem, False, Joey and that bard probably do.


"Calm down Jimmy. We're the sheriff. We're strong. We're fine."

I took a few breaths. In and out. I lost my temper there. At least nobody was arou-



I didn't even need to turn around to know who it was. His voice was a big giveaway.

"Heyyy Scott..." I paused and turned around slowly "What brings you here?"

"Well I originally came to buy gunpowder but something seems to be wrong."

'Whatttt no.... Hey how about we get you that gunpowder?"

The man in front of me sighed and crossed his arms.

"Jimmy you're not going to trick me that easily. I just heard you shout 'Everyone does' and you think I'll let that slide?

"Fair fair. But I can assure you that I'm fine. There's no need to worry!"

"Jimmy.. I'm not going anywhere until you tell me whats wrong."

"Scott I can promise you there's nothing wrong."

"Mhm. And I'm straight."



"Please understand that I'm completely fine! I was just working on shouting out random things so I can get better at shouting at law breakers."

"Right.. If you say so..."

He definitely didn't believe me. But luckily for me, Scott isn't one to push on problems unless it's reoccurring. So as long as I have my 'moments'-so to speak- somewhere more private, then I should be fine!

"Hey why don't we get you your gunpowder now huh?"


He's replying with concern in his voice. I don't like it. I understand he knows I'm lying but he could at least try and hide it. Maybe be a bit more enthusiastic. He's good at that. Sounding enthusiastic and happy I mean. I'll be honest it's fairly hard to be upset around him. But now is not one of these times. He sounds uneasy because of me.

It's fine. I just need to get him his gunpowder and we'll be good to go!

I lead him to the gunpowder cart.

"Take as much as you need. We're allies, you respect the law so you get it free! Although I think I may nearly be out so we might need to visit the farm." I was trying my best to sound.. normal? Yeah that works.

"No no it's fine. I just need two stacks. There's five in here altogether so I'm good."

"Great! Well uh.. I'd say take the nether portal but I still need to deal with the warden Fwip so kindly left me."

"Right. I'll just fly home. Don't forget you can drop by if you ever need some dye! Or just.. someone to talk to."

"Will do!"

With that he gave one last, almost sad, look at me and flew off. What I failed to mention but I'm sure he could infer however. Is that my 'will do' was only referring to needing dye.

There's only one thing I need on this server right now though. And everyone needs to be able to provide it for me.



!!BEING REWRITTEN!!My brain, body, and bones are trueNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ