Amnesia issues

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Have some FalseSymmetry POV be upon ye :)

Also kind of relative that this chapter progresses from "Talk" all the way up to the end of the last chapter!

So I have been assigned a job.

I need to go around and tell all the other empires rulers to be wary of Jimmy.

Right okay, I could do that. Yeah! No problem.

I didn't need to tell Joel or Scott so that makes 10 rulers because I obviously don't need to tell myself. And well, 9 rulers because Jimmy certainly doesn't need to know. And I think Scott is taking care of telling Fwhip, so I only need to tell 8 people!

Yeah okay! 8 people isn't a lot. I should be able to manage that.

Let's think, I need to tell the bard-I'm pretty sure he was called Oli-, the two princessess-what was it? Kat and like Crystal was it? Maybe Gem? Yeah that sounds right. Then there's Sausage, hard to forget that name, Lizzie-she's the cat one I think-, and Pix is the archaeologist one. So that's six. Shit who are the last two? Uhm- It's a witch and a pirate I think.

Yeah! Like Shelby and Joe I think- something like that I'm pretty sure. I should probably be writing this down so I remember.

I shuffled around in my chests looking for a book and quill, ignoring today's ominous sign left to me by whatever it was. I couldn't find one but I luckily had all the resources to make one anyway.

I opened the book and grabbed the feather, checking it had ink on it first, and then started to scribble down the names of those I needed to tell.
Oli, Kat, Gem, Sausage, Lizzie, Pix, Joe and Shelby.

There. Say... it would probably be easier for me to tell some of them now if they were on. Then I don't have to remember as much.

I checked the tab list, seems to be the only person that's on right now from that list of people was Sausage.

Right, he lives in that uhm- safe place right? Sanctuary I think it's called, I could do with naming my empire still...

I shook my head, that's not important right now. I walked out to my nether portal and entered, stepping onto the nether roof and holding my head until the small headache I always get through traveling leaves.

I walked towards the center of the nether roof to check which colour belonged to Sausage. Dark green okay... And so I followed the carpet on the floor and eventually reached Sanctuary's portal.

It was a pretty portal to be honest, and as I walked through and emerged from the other side, I was slightly overwhelmed with how big and colourful the place was.

That's not important right now. Focus False! I just need to find Sausage and warn him then I can go.

Wait... I think it's supposed to be Jimmy I'm warning him about- yeah! Come on False your memory isn't that bad.

I rolled my eyes before climbing down the most complicated set of stairs ever, Letting myself breathe when I left the tall building up to the portal, and entered the city of Sanctuary.

It was bright and large, and citizens of all species wandered the streets. Just great. How on earth am I supposed to find Sausage in all of this?

I walked around a bit, ignoring how claustrophobic some of the streets were with all of the residents/tourists. Eventually I gave up and rested against the wall to a building where less of society were walking. I sighed and closed my eyes for a second, before immediately snapping them open again upon hearing a door open- more specifically the door to the building I was resting on.

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