Priority: Citadel 1

213 3 10

[Jane's Pov]

We're on our way to the citadel to get Kaiden some necessary treatment. Before we reach the citadel, I go and give a status report to admiral Hackett

Hackett: "Shepard, Are you reading me? Commander?" The hologram Hackett asks while glitching due to a poor connection

Jane: "EDI, can you clear this up?" I ask to the ship's AI as I answer Hackett's call

EDI: "I'll do my best" she respond to me

Hackett: "Did you get to the archives?" He asks straight to the point with a much better connection thanks to EDI's assistance

Jane: "I was there. So was the illusive man" I inform him bitterly

Hackett: "I was worried Cerberus might try something" he confesses "Did you get the data?" He then asks me

Jane: "Most of it. He downloaded some before I could stop him. EDI and liara are analyzing what we recovered" I inform him as liara then joins me to talk with Hackett

Hackett: "What have you learned? Was it worth the effort?" He asks liara once she joins

Liara: "Preliminary evidence suggests the data is a blueprint for a Prothean device" she says to him and pulls up the blueprint when he asks about it

Liara: "A weapon, massive in size and scope, capable of unquantifiable levels of destruction" she informs him and he takes a moment to let this sink in

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Liara: "A weapon, massive in size and scope, capable of unquantifiable levels of destruction" she informs him and he takes a moment to let this sink in

Hackett: "Send me the data. We'll do our own analysis. If liara's instinct are right, this might be the key to stopping the reapers" he orders and honestly I hope he's right

Jane: "I hope so" I say feeling worried "Kaiden's been hurt. We're taking him back to the citadel" I inform Hackett

Hackett: "I'm sorry to hear that, Shepard. But we both know this is just the beginning" he says giving his condolences but keeping focus

Hackett: "Talk to the council. Show them what you've found. With luck, they'll give you all the support we need" he order me and I nod

( Author: Can I just say that I hate the council. The commander saves the galaxy TWICE and yet "We don't believe in the reapers and Shepard cannot be trusted. Like bitch you trusted saren more than Shepard and for some reason still don't? If killing them didn't have repercussions in me3, I'd have left the council to die back in me1 EVERY time )

Jane: "And if they don't? I say near deadpanning because I'm near 100% sure they'll turn a blind eye

Hackett: "Do whatever it takes to get them on board" he orders firmly in a way that says "Succeed At all cost"

I then bite a sigh and salute the admiral to acknowledge the order to be which he returns the salute

Hackett: "I'll be in touch. Hackett out" he says and the hologram on him fades out so I let out the sigh I held back and now hold back the need to bash my head into the monitor

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