The birth of the blue reaper

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[Y/n POV]

Jane: "Y-Y/n" she says stunned

I waste no time hugging her and she instantly hugs back as we both cry a bit. We're usually not emotional but god I missed her. I though she was dead but god I could die a happy man having her in my arms again

Y/n: "It's really you... I-I can't believe it" I say emotional which really surprises my team

Urdnot Truk: "You know this human?" My krogan friend says

As we break away she joins back with Miranda while I stand with my team

Y/n: "Truk, meet commander Jane Shepard. You guys remember when I said "There's only persons I lived for... now with her gone, I'm just hoping for another reason to keep me going"?" They all nod "That's her. My beautiful Jane" I say with a warm smile which... really unnerves my team since I've never smiled

Vallah: "Oh oh! That's the woman you kept a photo of in your necklace and in your quarters!" She points out to which I nod to and they all understand. They've all seen me more than once looking at that last picture I had of her while grieving

Jane: "So how'd you get to be aria's weapon and getting called "The blue reaper?" She ask stoic but I know that face. The same face she makes that says "You better explain yourself".

Y/n: "Well..." I start saying and lay into the last 2 years"


Flash back 2 years ago at the end of mass effect 2 prologue

John: "Y/n, don't lose hope. Jane won't get taken down like this. I know my sister" he says trying to reassure me

Y/n: "You didn't see her get spaced. She's dead..." I say completely devoid of emotion which makes them all flinch

Liara: "The alliance will be here shortly. Maybe we can ask them for send out a search party" she says still trying to get me pointless hope

I say nothing and they all start thinking of the next move. 3 days go by and I've refused to eat, sleep or drink which worries the crew. Eventually, an alliance vessel picks up all up.

Anderson: "Is everyone alright? Where's jane Shepard?" As we board He asks worried

Y/n: "Dead. She didn't get out of the attack" I say empty and he just freezes and let's his head down in silent morn

He head off to earth as my brother gives me a side hug trying to console me which isn't doing anything. We soon arrive at the citadel and meet with admiral hackett

Hackett: "I read the reports from Anderson. I'm sorry for your loss. She was a hero, a damn good soldier and leader. We'll send a recon teams in hopes to find her" he says as everyone but me nods. Eventually I step in

Y/n: "Sir?" I ask to speak

Hackett: "What is it lieutenant commander?" He asks

I say nothing but take off my uniform and hand it to hackett surprising everyone

Y/n: "I'm leaving the alliance. It's been an honour serving but this is where my service ends" I say empty and they're still shocked

Anderson: "Hold on there, son. What do you mean you're leaving?" He ask

Y/n: "I joined the alliance for q reasons. Thats to stay with both jane and John along with my brother. John and Kaiden has each other to look after and i lost jane. My reasons for staying are no longer existent" I say in the same empty tone

Anderson: "You sure you want to do this, son?" He asked seriously

Kaiden: "Y/n, there's no going back after leaving" he chips in

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