The End of saren and Sovereign!

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[Y/n's POV]

Once in the Elevator we get a transmission to everyone. It shows the citadel defence being completed destroyed by the geth fleet and sovereign just not bothering shooting anything as it just rams through a Turian ship. When it gets close to the citadel the arms close sealing sovereign inside. Once the transmission ends we all nod in a silent "Let's do this and fast". Suddenly, the elevator stop moving.

Jane: Saren's locked down the elevator! Shut up-were going outside!

Jane shoots the glass and shatters it and we use our mag boot to climb the wall. After that I mentally shout "YES!" After getting at least of bit of satisfaction from shooting the elevator. Once outside we see sovereign and.... "by the goddess" is an understatement.... It's colossal I'm size. I thought it was big on eden prime....That stopping us so we head forward but once one of the windows nearby completely blows up. In comes a few geth that weren't any issue. We've taken down countless geth so hey more for the slaughter..... I really need to stop hanging with wrex. After walking the path to a higher ground we geth attacked by a few geth and a krogan I'd warn him to not charge but I'd be too late. I see wrex choke slam the enemy to the ground and empty a few rounds into his head along with the geth destroyer behind it.... Krogans man.... They're brutal and I love it. You know I think I'd want a mini wrex one day. Like a wrex's grunt. Moving on we pass the inactive turrets and wipe out the geth nearby. Kinda wish tali was here. She'd love to finish off the geth genocide we're having here. Once passed the area we encountered.... Yup more geth. WHAT A SURPRISE!! We easily take them out and make it further near the disabled citadel defence turrets. We activate all three that were disabled and we blast away the geth dreadnaught and it's endless geth troops. Once clear we waste no charge and charge into another squad. This time with a few krogan warriors. Wrex does the same thing as he did to the previous and I do the same with my biotics.... What do we learn? We take out the two charging geth destroyers with a combo of just straight up carnage and a geth juggernaut thinks it's a good idea to engage. With lift into adrenaline bust into carnage.... That's not a geth anymore... just straight scrape metal now. With that minor inconvenience we don't let anything sto- I get interrupted by a cannon shot barely missing me


Jane: LC, Barrier up and draw their fire. Wrex and I will handle those cannons.

Y/n: Have I mentioned I hate This place?

Moving to cover while eliminating hostiles I get the attention of all 3 cannons. Getting nearly hit multiple times Jane takes down the first cannon and I move up to the second. Once that one's clear we leave for the last one. Triple carnage and boom it goes.

Y/n: Alright commander! We're almost there. I can see the access hatch

Jane: Double time it you two!

We enter the hatch we arrive at citadel towers... oh the fucking irony. The once relaxing feel in nothing but smoke and fire. Once we're okay we geth attacked by Saren's last line of defence. Easily broken, we storm ahead. Up on the controls, we see saren. Once he notices us he jumps off the platform only to fly back up on that flying platform back on virmire. We all get behind cover with our guns drawn.

Saren: I was afraid you wouldn't make it in time, Shepard

Jane: In time for what?

Saren: The final confrontation. I think we all expected it to end like this. You've lost. You know that, don't you? In a few minutes, sovereign will have full control of citadel's systems. The relay will open. The reapers will return.

Jane: I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve

Saren: You've survived our encounter on virmire. But I've changed since then. Improved. Sovereign has... upgraded me.

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